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与 中轴 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Too mechanical. Give me an old-fashioned tetragon on a central pivot every time.


Ovary superior, 3[or 5]-locular; ovules numerous, axile, anatropous or amphitropous.

子房上位,3 [或者5 ]室;胚珠多数,中轴胎座,倒生或者横生。

Ovary superior, 3-loculed and placentation axile or 1-loculed and placentation parietal; ovules numerous per locule or 1 and pendulous, anatropous.


Ovary superior, disk absent, locules and carpels 3-5 or more; placentation axile; ovules anatropous with a single integument, 10 or more per locule; styles as many as carpels, distinct or connate, generally persistent.


Ovary inferior, with as many carpels and locules as sepals, septa sometimes thin or absent at maturity; placentation axile or parietal, ovules 1 to many per locule, in 1 or several rows or clustered, anatropous, bitegmic; style 1; stigma with as many lobes as sepals or clavate to globose.


Ovary superior, half inferior, or inferior, 3--5-locular or apically 1-locular and basally 3--5-locular; ovules few or solitary in each locule, erect, pendulous, or anatropous, integument 1 or 2, placentation axile or parietal.

子房上位,半下位,下位的或,或顶部1 和基部3-5室;每室有少数或单个胚珠,直立,下垂,或者倒生,珠被1或者2,中轴胎座或者侧膜胎座。

Ovary surrounded by a coronary disk, partly inferior, becoming inferior in fruit, 2-loculed; ovules anatropous, pendulous, 1 per locule, 1 ovule undeveloped after anthesis; placentation axile.


Ovary 2-locular, carpels free at apex; ovules mostly 1 per carpel, less often many, but then most of them sterile, crassinucellar, bitegmic, anatropous, halfway between apotropous and epitropous, pendent from ovary top if solitary, along the carpellary margins if numerous; placentation axile.


Ovary superior, 2-loculed; ovules 2 per locule; placentation axile, appearing nearly basal, apotropous or anatropous, bitegmic, crassinucellar; style simple, connate; stigma discoid or capitate, rarely 4-lobed, not papillate.


ObjectiveAnkylosing Spondylitis, characterized by chronic inflammation of central axis articulus, is a systemic disease with indefinite causes.


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Life. But the intrinsic way of the Internet by wire confines accessing and using of the network information.


I have a strong persuasion that this is true .


Baby One More Time, outfitted her in full Catholic-school regalia, and sent her well on the way to becoming an international sex symbol.
