英语人>网络例句>不清楚地 相关的搜索结果


与 不清楚地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And the moment the conductor raps again they fall back into a cataleptic state they scratch themselves unconsciously or they remember suddenly a show window in which there was displayed a scarf or a hat; they remember every detail of that window with amazing clarity, but where it was exactly, that they can't recall; and that bothers them, keeps them wide awake, restless, and they listen now with redoubled attention because they are wide awake and no matter how wonderful the music is they will not lose consciousness of that show window and that scarf that was hanging there, or the hat.


I remember the day I signed so clearly. I was at Highbury with my wife, having our photos taken and Steve Braddock, the groundsman, wouldn't let us on the pitch! It feels like it was just a matter of months ago — not 11 years.

时间在流逝,我依然清楚地记得我签约那天的情景,我和我的妻子在球场上拍照,而球场管理员Steve Braddock不让我们在球场上,我觉得这好像几个月之前的事情,而不是11年。

I can't recall the impetus, but I do remember his hangdog expression, conveying the sense that I just didn't understand him.


"This is great news for stroke survivors because results clearly demonstrate that long-term stroke damage is not immutable and that with exercise it's never too late for the brain and body to recover," says Daniel Hanley, MD, professor of neurology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.


A wet day was the expression of irremediable grief at her weakness in the mind of some vague ethical being whom she could not class definitely as the God of her childhood, and could not comprehend as any other.


The Reds boss has made it abundantly clear that, even if Alonso does request a transfer to La Liga, he is not for sale for a sum any lower than 35 million.


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On the other hand, much labour and investigation will yet be needed to show clearly that that kinship was not merely a concomitant of exogamy and polyandry, should cases occur in which it must be held that neither polyandry nor exogamy was primitive custom.


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Here the self-deceiver need never simultaneously hold contradictory beliefs even though she intends to bring it about that she believe p, which she regards as false at the outset of the process of deceiving herself and true at its completion.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
