英语人>网络例句>不怀好意 相关的搜索结果


与 不怀好意 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Those Wildcat leering Mr. Fox on Fox, said:"Pig in the call you so, go and hear what it says?"


Irecall being offended by one man who seemed to have a leering look inhis eye when he asked, How do you manage this long distance romance?


Irecall being offended by one man who seemed to have a leering look inhis eye when he asked, How do you manage this long distance romance?


Fierce and wild;and more disagreeable than the women's at the vile house appeared to me when I first saw them:and at times,such a leering,mischief-bodingcast.


But the more she tried to pull away, the more hostile Anderson became.


All gun-ports were open and the muzzles peeped wickedly from them.


All gun - ports were open and the muzzles peep ed wickedly from them.


Lois tyson says beyond some relatively small and relatively short-lived communes, there had never been, as far as we knwo, a ture Marxist society on the face of the Earth.Communist societies, though they claim to be based on the principle developed by Karl Marx,have been, in reality , oligarchies in which a small group of leaders controls the money and the guns and force its polices on a pupulation keptinlinethrough physical intimidation.

其实马克思主义是为数不多的承认自己是ideology 的理论,是为数不多的没有压迫的理论,它教给人们如何摆脱种种束缚而寻求自由,早已习以为常的看待世界的方法的背后有可能就有一双不怀好意的手在操控,undesirable ideology,时间和一切会让种种意识形态,或者理论内化,而这种内化确是最可怕的。

She was ready to laugh,and always in the humour toplay pranks.


Actually, quizzing the scholars about the probability of their bond-breaking is akin to asking a pair of ''.


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With the development of highway construction, the speed of cars has been gradually increased.


So we basically had to develop a bond with the animal in terms of socializing with it.


"Comrade, I will be late for school. Please take me to my school, will you?"
