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women workers相关的网络例句

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与 women workers 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cashew workers' main concern is their earnings and, in Kerala, most women want their unions to bargain for higher wages.


There are now more than three workers for every pensioner and this ratio will be stable for another decade as the equalisation of women's pension age is phased-in.


The NGOs participating in the election are spread throughout the country, working with diverse constituencies to fight aids, such as intravenous drug users and sex workers, gay rights and advocacy groups, rural communities, women and children affected by aids, groups of farmers from Central China who contracted aids as a result of blood-plasma selling at government-sponsored clinics, hemophiliac groups, and organizations focused on aids in ethnic minority and border areas.


Jorid Tveita too in a letter to Ahmedinejad writes: I have gotten hold of information that on Wednesday the 27 of July a protest of about 100 textile workers in the south eastern province of Kerman - most of them women - was violently attacked by the Iranian regime's security forces, according to the state news agency ILNA.

Jorid Tveita也在一封致伊朗总统Ahmedinejad的信中写道:我已经从新闻机构ILNA得到了一些信息,星期三,也就是7月23号,一些示威的纺织工人被伊朗政府的安全部队猛烈攻击了。

The correlation factor of infant mortality during pregnancy is cultural qualities of pregnant and lying-in women,times of prenatal examination,technical level of medical workers.


The organization more recently has called for the government to allowunhindered access to aid workers in make-shift camps that house hundreds of thousands of Tamils, including women and children.


Through such performance, public actions, interventions and various other media the participants of all these projects discussed different issues such as the impact of globalisation and new technologies on sex work practices, control of the public body, parallel economies and marginal communities, the right to work, sex workers' human rights, legal and social regulations, taboos, circulation of money and women, etc.


In a whole day, the traditional and original dragon dance tea ceremony held by the farmers in the tea villages, the "King of Tea Parching" competition that displayed the skills of the tea parching workers, and the scene that the women harvesting tealeaves in spring's tea farms were all shot into the camera.


Experts don't quantify how tight the pants would have to be to achieve this result, but the condition is normally seen in construction workers, pregnant women, and obese people, not young gym bunnies.


From the results, the prevalence rate of having chewing betel quids habit in their lifetime was 13.2%(men 26.3%, women 0.4%), and 9.8% were current chewers. It was estimated that about 24,000 adults in Chiayi City ever had the habit of betel quid chewing. Among them, most were technical workers(26.4%). For those who had the habit of betel quid chewing, there were 52.5% abusers. Such behavior was related to sex, age groups and martial status. For men above 50 years old, they more easily became abusers. Occupation and education were not related to abuse.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
