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与 wily 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Readers can vicariously cast mouse patterns to fifty-pound taimen in the wilds of Mongolia, wrangle with wily permit off the Florida Keys, and match the hatch on Montana's Armstrong's Spring Creek.


In a wily manner Ophuels unsuspectedly carries out the destruction of the myths surrounding Germany's Rhine River, while on the surface he tells a humorous story about a small, friendly man about town – a role that was custom tailored to Heinz Ruehmann, who was able to maintain his popularity for many decades more than any other star of German cinema.

奥菲尔斯用娴熟的技巧揭示了围绕着德国莱茵河畔的美好神话的破灭,而这些是通过讲述一个小巧友好的男人和小镇的风趣故事而展现出来的——这一角色得到了演员Heinz Ruehmann的完美阐释,能够在德国银幕上几十年永葆活力的人除了他就寥寥无几了。

Rather than a stilted outcome of an interview, this cohered with warmth, wit, warts, a wink here and there, and a wily charm.


These despised themselves, as being the dupes of a wily fraud, a guileful snake in the grass.


For the wily warrior there is the Envenomed Sword!


It would be tempting but simplistic to have Kremlin masterminds battling with wily western powerbrokers over east Europe's future.


Jason Giambi's RBI double -- aided by one of three defensive miscues in left field by Wily Mo Pena -- snapped a 5-5 tie in the seventh inning, while Scott Proctor threw two innings of scoreless relief to pick up the victory.

Giambi 的2分打点2垒打(靠著左外野手Pena的脱线防守)在第7局下半打破了5比5的僵局而Proctor则中继两局未失分拿下胜投2 B* y% W5 J,}4 j1 m1 o8 d5 H

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl plot summary Roguish yet charming Captain Jack Sparrow's idyllic pirate life capsized after his former first mate, the wily Captain Barbossa mutinied and commandeered Jack's ship, the Black Pearl.


He was outwitted by his wily opponent.


Brilliantly written and reported, it tells the story of larger-than-life figures-the billionaire tycoon Alfred Taubman; the most powerful woman in the art world, Diana "DeDe" Brooks; and the wily British executive Christopher Davidge-who quaffed champagne and dined on caviar while conspiring to cheat clients out of millions of dollars.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
