英语人>网络例句>warm 相关的网络例句
与 warm 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At 6 PM, take a teaspoon of Epsom salt 泻盐(magnesium sulphate 硫酸镁) with a glass of warm water.


At 6.00 pm take 250ml of warm water with one teaspoon of Epsom salt (available in pharmacies or organic food stores).

傍晚6时喝一杯温水加一茶匙泻盐(Epsom salt,药剂行或有机食品店有出售)。

The climate of Singapore is described as equatorial, warm and humid.


Th ere is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.


The results showed that erectness of coupling pattern between upper-layer jet and low jet and a divergence area, which came forth in right of upper-layer jet provide favorable surrounding conditions. The most intensive moisture convergence, the strongest ascending movement and the most instable convection stratification all occurred in the rainfall center. The rainstorm occurred at the warm and wet side of the negative value center of the moist potential vorticity and relative MPV, which had certain indicative significance for the forecast of rainstorm areas.


All his manhood, erewhile maddened by wrong, had departed out of him in the neighborhood of that warm bed and that suffering woman, whom he was nursing under the influence of her feverish heat and of remembered delights.


Subjects were 10 healthy males, consisting of 2 min of warm up(40r/min, 50W) followed by 5 min of pedaling(150 W) using an cycle ergometer at 40,60,80,100 and 120 r/min.


During 20minutes needles retaining, do moxibustiton above the route of LI20-DU23 until erubescence in the forehead and ignite two moxa sticks about 1cm to apply above double St36 until it burn out, As for the patient of deficiency of kidney-yang, do warm moxibustion on CV4 for 30 minutes, once every two day, 15 times a course.

留针时以药艾条重灸迎香-上星处,以患者前头部温热,局部皮肤潮红为度;足三里待针刺得气后,用长约1cm的艾条点燃后插于针尾处,燃尽为止。肾阳虚者,加艾条温和灸关元30 min。针灸隔日一次,15次一疗程。

The Escalade's warm and inviting interior features a premium layout.


He stumbled to get to his closet, don something warm, and jump through the escape hatch to the ice cave beneath the basement, Miller struggled to run across the room.


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Warm Your Heart
Happiness Is A Warm Gun
Warm All Over
Warm And Willing
All Warm
Warm Water
Warm Up Session SBTV Freestyle
Warm Heart In A Cold World
Keep Each Other Warm
I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm

Life. But the intrinsic way of the Internet by wire confines accessing and using of the network information.


I have a strong persuasion that this is true .


Baby One More Time, outfitted her in full Catholic-school regalia, and sent her well on the way to becoming an international sex symbol.
