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与 traitor 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Accordingly Zhang Qingchang has pointed it out,in his Color Terms in Chinese,"It could be confirmed that a solid relationship had been existed,between the yellow color and sex in ancient China,though it was no longer up to our mind since the idea had been lost for thousands of years".To Westerners yellow is associated with some negative meanings for it was the color that Judas,the notorious traitor had worn.Yellow is used to referred to the journals that feeds on the low taste of the mob and books that are literally worthless(yellow press,yellow journalism,yellow back).At other times it is used on a despicable personor a coward(who was descripted as yellow streak or yellow-livered).

西方文化中的黄使人联想到背叛耶稣的犹太所穿衣服的颜色,所以黄色带有不好的象征意义,它除了表示低级趣味的报刊、毫无文学价值的书籍(如 yellow press黄色报刊,yellow journalism黄色办报作风,y ellow back廉价轰动一时的小说)外,主要表示卑鄙、胆怯,如(1)yellow dog卑鄙的人,(2)yellow streak胆怯,(3)yellow-livered胆小的。

Because Doeg was a traitor, who trusted in his riches and his own strength and not in God, God would uproot him from the land of the living.


Chen Shui-bian enriched himself by laundering money. He shamed Taiwan. He paralyzed prosecutors and investigators. Yeh Sheng-mao was his hatchetman, his accomplice, and a traitor to our entire justice system.


Because the people who crucified Jesus didn't know what they were doing, the motive may not be so much evil. Probably they really thought they were disposing of the traitor for the maintenance of a stable and united phase, thus their soul may be salvable and they can be remitted.


Watery Signs; but especially, and above all others, Scorpio, make traitors; and therefore if the Moon lady of the Ascendant be in that viperous sign; the Native will betray, or prove a traitor to, his master; and if the same position happen in the radix of a city, its inhabitants will be rebellious against their Princes or Governors.


Though Cao Cao is Prime Minister, he is the real traitor, always ambushing from the darkness.


After the 1949 revolution, Xu was again castigated as a traitor because of his pro-American outlook, and his name was nearly erased from history.


The Soviet government counterattacked with a spate of articles, including one in Pravda, the state-run newspaper, headlined "The Path of a Traitor."


During Beijing Olympic Games, confuse as netizen of an iron lever and Olympic Games, as a Chinese, I am here earnest issue a proposal to countrywide netizen: One, patriotic get online: On the net not traitor, not betray one's country demotes country; 2, civilization gets online: On the net not name-calling, water of not baleful fill


He was denounced as a traitor to his country.


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The Traitor
A Traitor Amongst Them
There's A Traitor In This Room
The Traitor

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
