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与 tempo 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the performance, the priest, with his rigorous, adept and light-footed dancing steps, moves gracefully to the tempo of the drumming beats amid the sounds of copper bells, the rustling within the drum and the beating of the hammer.


The title track is about Richard Lionheart, the English king who reigned at the end of the 12th century – an epic mid-tempo composition that combines Saxon's classic strengths.


A soft header to lob the goalkeeper; he has always the right tempo to do these things.


As in real life, when designing your tactics link the tempo and width with your MCs' passing.


For a moment the progress of the engine could be marked by heavy bellowing puffs of smoke that burst at spaced intervals above the edges of the meadow grass, and finally nothing could be heard but the solid clacking tempo of the wheels receding into the drowsy stillness of the afternoon.


"After All" ups the tempo a wee bit albeit the lyrics are rather melancholic in nature.


Tempo runs will make you a stronger miler, a faster 5-K runner, a more powerful 10-K runner, and a less-fatigued marathoner.


Scherzo, also called Scherzo, is a fast, intense tempo instrumental music, usually three beats, there are surprising and humorous features, is developed from the minuet in, the original meaning in Italian "joke."...


A vocal performance interpretation of Missa Solemnis: Based on the overall musical expression of lyrics, style, motif, melody and tempo in this vocal work, a personal interpretation of how it can be performed is presented as a reference for future performers and further research.


The form was referred to as AB; two parts songs were usually selected; the meter signature was referred to as quarter note gets one beat and beats can be grouped in twos or fours, it remained stablely in the whole tune; the tempo of assigned chorus piece almostly based on "Moderato" and "Allegretto"; the tonality are combined with the major and minor scales and also present as the pentatonic scales, the minor scale were rarely used.

二 、九十二至九十六学年度国小合唱指定曲的内容,大部分与国小音乐能力指标相符:乐曲曲式明确,以二段式居多;编制以同声二部为主;拍号以单拍子的二拍、四拍为主,少有拍号变化;速度以中板、稍快板为主;调性不完全偏向大小调乐曲,仍兼顾调式乐曲,转调变化的不多,小调乐曲较少出现。

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Three Minute Positive Not Too Country Up-Tempo Love Song
Tempo De Mudar
Il Tempo Che Verrà
Senhor Do Tempo
Senhor Tempo
Passando O Tempo
Bambino Nel Tempo
Il Tempo Stesso
Tempo Ao Tempo

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
