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与 tasteful 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Naylor lives on a quiet street in Brooklyn in a majestic brownstone with an interior featuring intricate woodwork and tasteful decorations that attest to a successful literary career.


And yet the service was also cathartic and tasteful, especially compared with the media frenzy that preceded it.


Nothing so baroque exists in the auto world any more, now that Jaguar's gone all techno and even the Russians are getting some lessons in tasteful coachbuilding.

没有这样巴洛克存在于世界上任何汽车,现在,捷豹了所有的技术,甚至在俄罗斯得到了一些教训,品味coachbuilding 。

Rae's voice is almost impossibly gorgeous, effortlessly breathing life into every word. The smooth production recalls the languid, laidback vibe of Zero 7, and indeed the Sia comparisons have already begun, but there's much more to Rae than tasteful 'coffee-table' music.

肯妮贝儿那璀璨华丽的美嗓令人感到不可置信,不费吹灰之力就把栩栩人生唱进歌里的字里行间;她那平滑舒缓的音乐制作风格,令人联想到闲散慵懒之风独具的 Zero 7,相信从此以后会不断的被拿来互作比较;但肯妮贝儿相较於悦耳的咖啡厅音乐,肯定是多了许多音乐内涵的。

This Cognac XO is the result of seeking the perfect, the representative of prosperity and respect, be filled in the blue porcelain bottle which better presents the decorousness and luxury, becoming the cherish for tasteful person that constructs honorable atmosphere!


Mini Discotheque with luxurious equipment in a quiet and tasteful environment is the best meeting place for lovers .


Mini Discotheque with luxurious equipment in a quiet and tasteful environment is the best meeting place for lovers.


Sell your product with understated elegance, tasteful design, short copy and text that's easy on the eyes.


The cold calling of our dying modernity, the German band Lantlos is able to shape tasteful black metal and to switch inside their creation acoustic passages with a result that recalls of Ved Buens Ende's "For Those Who Caress the Pale" and Amoesoeurs.


Maybe Holyfield's ears were as tasteful as Tangsheng's flesh.


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For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them.


The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
