英语人>网络例句>tar 相关的网络例句
与 tar 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some oil fields have a mat of heavy tar at the oil water contact. This mat is produced by the degradation of oil as bottom waters move beneath the oil-water contact.Tar mats cause considerable production problems by inhibiting water from displacing oil.


Some oil fields have amat of heavy tar at the oil water contact.This mat is produced by the degradation of oil as bottom waters move beneath the oil-water contact.Tar mats cause considerable production problems by inhibiting water from displacing oil.


Some oil fields have a mat of heavy tar at the oil water contact. This mat is produced by the degradation of oil as bottom waters move beneath the oil-water contact.Tar mats cause considerable production problems by inhibit ing water from displacing oil.


Study on treatment of coal tar waste water by chlorine dioxide;2. Determination of naphthalene in coal tar by capillary pillar gas chromatography

白色易挥发晶体,有温和芳香气味,粗萘有煤焦油臭味;蒸汽压 0.13kPa/52.6℃闪点:80℃;熔点 80.1℃沸点217.9℃;不溶于水,溶于无水乙醇、醚、苯,相对密度(水=1)1.16;相对密度(空气=1)4.42;稳定性:稳定;危险标记:8;主要用途:用于制造染料中间体、樟脑丸、皮革、木材保护剂等

The research coal tar surface active position spot is studies the coal tar and the methane action mechanism foundation.


Tar - This drops a pool of Tar on the ground that can be set on fire.


The paper introduces coal tar processing and new technology of coal tar separation both at home and abroad and the shortcomings of domestic technology. PRO/Ⅱ was used to simulate two-column continuous distillation and was found to be a good tool to improve the technology.


In order to obtain blended cigarette products with different tar deliveries,the relationship among the ventilation rates of cigarette,tipping paper and cigarette paper was investigated with single-line or two-line online laser perforation,and a mathematical model between the ventilation rate of tipping paper and tar delivery was established.


Many people also like the taste of tar in cigarettes. Be careful, it is the tar that causes cancer!


Definitely. Cigarettes contain a lot of carcinogens like nicotine and tar. The ad compares lungs to a sponge. If you could wring out the cancer- producing tar, that goes into the lungs of a pack-a -day smoker every year, this is how much you'd get


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Tar Top
Tar And Sagebrush
Honey Or Tar
Jolly Roving Tar
Tar-Heel Boy
Low Tar Stars
Tar Baby
Tar Pit

I can't say anything hurtful about anyone.


She was a short fat woman , garbed in a very tight , very gaudy red dress .


Leaf blade orbicular or oblong to ovate-lanceolate, less than 3 × as long as wide, abaxially not pruinose.

叶片圆形或长圆形的到卵状披针形,少于3 *倍于宽,背面不具粉霜。