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与 tableau 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The corresponding tableau algorithm is also provided. The soundness and decidability of the tableau algorithm are proved. It is shown that the complexity of tableau algorithm is PSPACE-complete.


This enhancing mode constructs a disjunctive normal form on concept expressions and keeps only one conjunctive clause, and then substitutes the obtained succinctest conjunctive clause for sub-concepts set in the labeling of nodes of a completion tree constructed by the tableau algorithm (such a process may be repeated as many times as needed).


Tableau method with quantifiers in first order many valued logic exist uniform expansion rules, and sound and complete have been proved by Zabel et al .


Many valued logic ; quantifier ; Tableau method ; upset/downset in set ; regular formula

多值逻辑;量词; Tableau方法;集合的上集/下集;正则公式

As one of effective automated reasoning methods, tableau has been applied to many important AI fields.


As one of effective automated reasoning methods, Tableau is applied to many important AI fields.


On the basis of the many-valued logics tableau reasoning,an automated reasoning expansion method based on set sign is presented.


This paper presents a Tableau decision algorithm for the dynamic description logic D-ALCO.D-ALCO is a combination of the description logic ALCO,the dynamic logic,and an action theory based on the possible models approach.


This algorithm is designed in the style of tableau algorithms, which is usually used in classical description logics. The transformation rules and the process of this algorithm is described and optimized with three main techniques: recursive procedure call, branch cutting and introducing sets of mesne results.


For example, Tableau Software, co-founded in 2003 by Pat Hanrahan of Stanford University, does for visualising data what word-processing did for text, allowing anyone to manipulate information creatively.

比如,Tableau Software,于2003年由斯坦福大学的Pat Hanrahan同时创建,用于视觉化那些对文本进行文字信息处理的数据,允许任何人创造性地操纵信息。

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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
