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与 subsidiary 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Holds the post successively has had the chinese non-ferrous metal corporation northwest subsidiary company, the china ferrous metal material corporation northwest subsidiary company, the xi'an railroad boiler repair shop, the international travel agency xi'an branch, the ningxia farming and forestry academy of science, ningxia to construct the machine shop, the golden eagle group international limited liability company and so on ten year to year legal adviser.


Airbus Selects France Telecom Group, with Subsidiary Equant, and Cisco Systems to Implement an IP-based Communication System - France, July 12, 2005 - France Telecom Group, with its fully-owned subsidiary Equant, and Cisco Systems Inc. announced today that they have been selected by Airbus for a five-year contract to implement an IP telephony solution.


In our country, because there are many debates on the concept, meaning, nature of the crime, the legislature will expand the scope of criminal punishment indiscreetly. In other words, acts that should be punished in accordance with administrative laws are convicted and punished by the criminal law. That can easily expand the subsidiary criminal law, result in conflicts of the prescribed punishment and criminal charges between the criminal law and the subsidiary criminal law, and do harm to the legal order.


Interestingly, corporate managers have no trouble understanding that point when they are focusing on a business they operate: A parent company that owns a subsidiary with superb long-term economics is not likely to sell that entity regardless of price."Why," the CEO would ask,"should I part with my crown jewel?" Yet that same CEO, when it comes to running his personal investment portfolio, will offhandedly - and even impetuously - move from business to business when presented with no more than superficial arguments by his broker for doing so. The worst of these is perhaps,"You can't go broke taking a profit." Can you imagine a CEO using this line to urge his board to sell a star subsidiary? In our view, what makes sense in business also makes sense in stocks: An investor should ordinarily hold a small piece of an outstanding business with the same tenacity that an owner would exhibit if he owned all of that business.


Interestingly, corporate managers have no trouble understanding that point when they are focusing on a business they operate: A parent company that owns a subsidiary with superb long-term economics is not likely to sell that entity regardless of price."Why," the CEO would ask,"should I part with my crown jewel?" Yet that same CEO, when it comes to running his personal investment portfolio, will offhandedly - and even impetuously - move from business to business when presented with no more than superficial arguments by his broker for doing so. The worst of these is perhaps,"You can't go broke taking a profit." Can you imagine a CEO using this line to urge his board to sell a star subsidiary?

Nor was the party over in 1938 for an investor: Though the $40 invested in 1919 in one share had turned into $3,277 by the end of 1938, a fresh $40 then invested in Coca-Cola 16 有趣的是企业经理人在认定何者才是自己本业时,从来就不会搞不清楚情况,母公司是不会单纯因为价格因素就将自己旗下最优秀的子公司给卖掉,公司总裁一定会问,为什么要把我皇冠上的珠宝给变卖掉,不过当场景转换到其个人的投资组合时,他却又会毫不犹豫地,甚至是情急地从这家公司换到另一家公司,靠的不过是股票经纪人肤浅的几句话语,其中最烂的一句当属,你不会因为获利而破产,你能想象要是一家公司的总裁用类似的方式建议董事会将最有潜力的子公司给卖掉时,就我个人的观点,适用于企业经营的原则也同样适用于股票投资,投资人在持有一家公司的股票所展现的韧性应当与一家公司的老板持有公司全部的股权一样。

We have a quartz sand subsidiary factory of our own and a subsidiary factory specializing in opal glass.


After that, this thesis study these four management and control mode from different aspects, they are the management orientation of the parent company, the appropriate framework, the function partition of parent company and subsidiary company and the evaluation system of performance of the subsidiary company.


However, new Huadouji is round it is one penates group actually, have trival equity relation and intricate professional work to form, sortie of below the banner 6 subsidiary 6 industries, not much and mutual and organic connection is relatively independent; New Huadoushi still is a household company on border, the familial public figure that has two Chen Fashu holds the position of the tall canal of subsidiary.


Public information, in line medicine is a Guangdong and Guangxi, Hainan, market-oriented pharmaceutical commercial enterprises, including net sales operating Format (the parent company in the Shenzhen area of pure marketing business, a subsidiary of state-controlled Canton Canton net sales in the business), medicine retail (Shenzhen consistent large pharmacy), quickly approved (Canton and the state-controlled subsidiary), the pharmaceutical industry (a subsidiary of pharmaceutical and letter-jun Wanle medicine) and so on.


On this occasion, the paper provides the control-mode of total quantity of wage in the subsidiary company on the base of theoretical wage;(2) In light of the prosecution status and the extent o f profit and loss in every subsidiary company, YT Group Corporate can divide subsidiary company into five ranks, and recalculate the wage level on the base of foregone wage level, all these are the benchmark that make the total quantity of wage.


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For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them.


The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
