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As a result, the distributors were allowed temporarily to use block booking and vertical integration while the studios recovered financially from the Great Depression. By 1935 the studios had recovered financially and were in good condition again.


The Consent decree was silent about the studios' theater ownership and therefore the studios were allowed to keep their theaters.


Developed by Ossian Studios, Neverwinter Nights 2: Mysteries of Westgate is the first full featured Adventure Pack available from Atari.

由Ossian Studios制作的《无冬之夜2:西门之谜》是Atari第一个完整的冒险包。

Our successful work with independent developer Obsidian in creating the original game is now being enhanced by our collaborative efforts with these highly talented and emerging studios such as Ossian Studios, and the result is nothing less than the fans would expect of Neverwinter Nights: high production values, engrossing storylines, and long, involving campaigns.

我们与独立开发商Obisidian的成功合作创作出的《无冬之夜2》的原始版,现在在我们的通力合作下,正在由一些天赋异禀的新兴工作室进行强化,比如Ossian Studios。合作的成果将不亚于爱好者们对《无冬之夜》本身的期待:高品质,引人入胜的剧情,有一定长度且可以使人专注于此的战役。

He also helped to establish the Pacifica design studios , one of the first West Coast design studios for a domestic automotive manufacturer and one that focused on vehicle ideas and possibilities years ahead of production.

他还帮助建立了 pacifica设计工作室一首西海岸的设计工作室为国内的汽车制造商之一,侧重于汽车的想法和可能性岁月生产。

Series Pinewood Studios in London held a news conference, announced that determine the first 22-film called "comfort quantum".

007系列在伦敦Pinewood Studios召开新闻发布会,宣布确定第22集影片名为《安慰量子》。

It owns five large-scale film studios and sound-recording studios, where SRD, DTS stereophonic recording can be done.


At least the tycoon of this record industry expects boy of these have a youthful look can build the old recording studio 1931 to look to this, in going 78 years, numerous and classic disc and classical great musical composition are in transcribe of recording studio of Abbey Road Studios, sell each music to have a fever next friendly.

起码这家唱片业的巨头期望这些后生小子能到这个建立于1931年的古老的录音室来看看—过去78年中,众多古典唱片和经典名曲都在Abbey Road Studios录音室录制,然后销售给一个个音乐发烧友。

Red 5 Studios, a global developer of massively-multiplayer online entertainment with offices in Aliso Viejo, California, and Shanghai, China is now looking for an Associate Producer to join our dynamic and expanding organization based in Shanghai.

Red 5 Studios,总部位于加利福尼亚Aliso Viejo与中国上海的一家全球化大型多人在线娱乐开发商,现在正招募一位副制作人加入我们充满活力并日益壮大的上海联合总部。

He has his own production compound, and I have my situation with Bassline Studios in New York.

他有他自己的厂牌,我在NY的BASSLINE STUDIOS中有我自己的事情。

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Social Studios
The City (Live At Sticky Studios)

We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
