英语人>网络例句>stop 相关的网络例句
与 stop 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"You gotta stop calling me surfer kid and you've gotta stop playing with my beanie."


This company produces stops itches the scented soap, uses the sod biological activity material hyperoxide mutase, blends the chinese medicine extraction to stop itches the factor bee glue, the honey and so on, can the effective elimination in vivo ultra oxygen anion free radical, have the unique effect to the old age skin pruritus, after taking a bath, can cause the skin moisturizer not dry, not to stimulate the skin, not to have the unusual smell, can protect the skin, the crisp body effectively, causes the skin to achieve the acid-base equilibrium, to stop itches, the sterilization, run skin's function, is the senior citizen bathes daily the skin care standing-by wash thing.

止痒香皂,采用 sod 生物活性物质超氧化物歧化酶,配伍中草药提取止痒因子蜂胶、蜂蜜等,能有效的清除体内的超氧阴离子自由基,对老年皮肤瘙痒症有独特功效,洗浴后能使皮肤保湿不干燥、不刺激皮肤、无异味,能有效呵护皮肤、爽身,使皮肤达到酸碱平衡、止痒、杀菌、润肤的作用,是老年人日常沐浴护肤的常备洗涤用品。

Benvolio: Stop there, stop there.


The aspirated voiceless bilabial stop and the unaspirated voiceless bilabial stop are in the same position, and the substitution of the two sounds changes the meaning of the words, so we can be sure that the two sounds are separate phonemes.


The implication is not to stop trying to help but to remove the ideological blinkers and stop pretending that all children can or should pursue the academic track.


"Mother," said Bobbie,"when I get to be a man, I will be a preacher and tell the people to be peaceful and stop fighting, but why doesn't God stop the war?"


ORF identification involves scanning each of the six reading frames and determining which one contains a stretch of DNA sequence bounded by a start and stop codon, yet containing no start or stop codons within it; a sequence meeting these conditions could correspond to the actual single product of the gene.


ORF identification involves sca ing each of the six reading frames and determining which one contai a stretch of DNA sequence bounded by a start and stop codon, yet containing no start or stop codo within it; a sequence meeting these conditio could corre ond to the actual single product of the gene.


Can't stop doing) When Mary saw her son whom she hasn't seen in years, she couldn't stop crying with joy.


I need to stop the car into the carbarn, it is too danger to stop outside.


第10/100页 首页 < ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ... > 尾页
Stop Stop
Can't Stop Won't Stop
Stop Loving Me, Stop Loving You
Can't Stop Worrying, Can't Stop Loving
Cant Stop Won't Stop
Don't Stop Wont Stop
When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You
When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You (Reprise)
Stop Stop Stop
Can't Stop Won't Stop

We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
