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In the wild, orangutans keep innovative cultural traditions: some groups construct foraging tools for extracting insects from tree holes; others use leaves as rain hats or napkins, wad them up as pillows, or line their hands with them when climbing a spiky tree.


Alice's short black hair was not in its usual spiky do—it was smoothed into sleek pin curls around her pixie face, which wore a contrastingly businesslike expression.


The ingenious palette adds to the spooky beauty of the otherworldly setting, which, with its vaultlike chambers, wavy crawlways and spiky stalactites, takes on u**takable s e xual overtones, particularly as the women's breathing becomes more labored, and their shirts grow clingy with sweat.


Thierry Mugler's corseted waistline, spiky collar and plunging neckline on pink satin are fine in church, while Olivier Theysken's fantastic outfit of giant ribbons goes beyond description.

Thierry Mugler 设计的束腹收腰型粉色缎面婚纱,有着长而尖的衣领、低V字型领口线,很适合在教堂里举行婚礼时穿用。而Olivier Theysken大量运用缎带的裙装简直妙到语言无法形容。

I'm hiking through dense, rain-forest-like vegetation near Venezuela's central coast, shooing away mosquitoes and unsuccessfully dodging spiky palm trees.


VIENNA - Organisers of the 2008 Europeanfootballchampionship unveiled two spiky-haired twins as thetournamentsofficial mascots on Wednesday but said the pair wereyet to benamed.


Functioning like two small tugboats in keeping the swarm moving and intact were the modelizers, Jack and Ben---two self-employed investors in their early thirties---men of nondescript features, save for the buckteeth of one and the stylish spiky haircut of the other.


During her racy performance--which was taped last Wednesday after the live top six "Idol" results show--the Lady of the evening wore a black fishnet onesie, and she performed on a gothic stage bedecked with barely dressed exotic male dancers, a fire-spitting metallic angel on a mirrored pedestal, dry-ice fog, spiky black metal trees, and park benches fashioned out of bloody razorblades.


Parents are cautious, warning their children to stay inside at night or risk a face-to-fang encounter with the chupacabra -- a red-eyed, spiky-haired, blood-sucking creature with a green-blue tint to its hide.


Lychees, with their reddish spiky skin around a delicious, jelly-like pulp are much favored fruit around the world, and China is no different.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
