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与 sorcery 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Severus was alter accused of having been in youth a worshiper of idols and a dealer in magical arts (so the libellus of the Palestinian monks at the council of 536), and Zacharias is at pains to refute this calumny indirectly, though at great length, by relating interesting stories of the discovery of a hoard of idols in Menuthis in Egypt and of the routing of necromancers and enchanters at Berytus; in both these exploits the friends of Severus took a leading part, and Zacharias asks triumphantly whether they would have consorted with Severus had he not agreed with them in the hatred of paganism and sorcery.

塞维鲁是改变被指控犯有在青年崇拜者的偶像和经销商神奇的艺术(所以libellus巴勒斯坦僧侣在安理会的536 ),和撒迦利亚是煞费苦心地驳斥这种诽谤间接的,虽然很长,由有关的有趣的故事,他们发现了一个囤积的偶像Menuthis在埃及和路由necromancers和enchanters在贝来图斯;在这两个漏洞的朋友塞维鲁了领导组成部分,并要求胜利撒迦利亚他们是否会与consorted塞维鲁了,他不同意他们的仇恨异教和巫术。

Lord God of Israel, thank You that You deliver from all power of sorcery.

祷告 以色列的上帝,谢谢您救我们脱离所有法术的能力。

There exists a common faith in the demagogic witchery among the ethnic groups of Yunnan Province, and the erotic sorcery is one of the types.


The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, the LORD your God has not permitted you to do so.

18:14 因你所要赶出的那些国民都听信观兆的和占卜的,至于你,耶和华你的神从来不许你这样行。

When we put the fish emblazonment into the emblematic area of the whole China, we can find that the extreme worship to the genital organs and the strong sorcery meaning have disappeared gradually. However, its emblematic meaning to life has been converted into a unconscious idea that hides in our national culture, and it results in a deep effect on our national art and the aesthetic pursuit.


The fish emblazonment has gone towards the real life from the idea of sorcery and religion and has taken off the original nature of sorcery.


Let this serve as a lesson to all. This man, Thomas James Collins, is adjudged guilty of conspiring to use enchantments and magic. And pursuant to the laws of Camelot, I, Uther Pendragon, have decreed that such practices are banned on penalty of death. I pride myself as a fair and just king. But for the crime of sorcery, there is but one sentence I can pass.When I came to this land, this kingdom...was mired in chaos. With the people's help, magic was driven from the realm. So I declare a festival to celebrate 20 years since the great dragon was captured and Camelot freed from the evil of sorcery. Let the celebrations begin.


There's a lot of sorcery in there. But there is no sorcery in Buddhism, it is not allowed.


Tungs are only ones who can cast sorcery on the earth;with the sorcery, who will be the person did them?


Sorcery seal is a kind of lock and chains made by sorcery. It is usually used to secure the important thing or imprison the monsters....


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Flying Sorcery
She's Got Sorcery
Bored With Sorcery

BHA: including a solder, the composite films and diamond drill bits, and the hollow steel drill pipe.


It has 3 molecular distillation production lines also and processes about 140 tons fish oil .


Many Kinds of syn-sedimentary deformation structures have been found in seismite, including stepmicro-faults, micro-corrugated laminations, vibrational liquefaction sandstone and clay veins,loadingstructure, flamboyancy structure and so on. By the analysis of seismite of single well,seismite sequence have been put forward.
