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与 sooner 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I told him it was a question, not of weeks, but of months; that if we were not back by the end of August, Blandly was to send to find us; but neither sooner nor later.


Often enough, when one sees a neurosis with hysterical or obsessional symptoms, which is not excessively marked and has not been in existence for long - just the type of case, that is, that one would regard as suitable for treatment - one has to, reckon with the possibility that it may be a preliminary stage of what is known as dementia praecox ('schizophrenia', in Bleuler's terminology;' paraphrenia', as I have proposed to call it), and that sooner or later it will show a well-marked picture of that affection.

常见的,当某人看到一个有癔症或着强迫症状的神经症时,如果症状并不过度显著,持续时间也不长--就是案例的典型,也就是说,这将被视为适合治疗的--此人必须考虑这种可能性:这可能是被称为早发性痴呆( Bleuler 的术语中成为精神分裂症,我推荐称之为妄想呆痴)的初级阶段,并且迟早他会表现出该疾病的显著景象来。

Sooner or later they will have to realize that this is a blind alley and that they need to rethink their own strategies.


It was the fault of that blockhead Pastrini, that I did not sooner assist you in your distress


No sooner had this happened than all, even the boldest of them, were seized with the utmost horror.


Now once again, no sooner have the resolutions of the Eleventh Plenary Session been put down in black and white than there are reports of the generals' braggadocio and of troop movements.


I've been coaching long enough to brazenly promise that if you decide to reclaim the essence of anything you regret losing, you'll find it—often sooner than you think, in ways you would never have expected.


If you go on working like that, you will break down sooner or later.


Now I understand that most people tend to think that pre-1664 point of break sooner or later will be.


Well if he can repeat last year's form, then Brede Hangeland. Arsenal are allegedly interested in him and I think he will go sooner or later to a top four club.


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Sooner Or Later
Sooner Or Later
Say This Sooner
Sooner Or Later (Die 1 Day)
Sooner Or Later
One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later)
Sooner Or Later
Sooner Or Later
Sooner Or Later
Sooner Or Later

We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
