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与 soldier 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Red Cross humanitarian aid groups are fully protected under the international humanitarian law, any soldier who shoot a Red Cross ambulance man or the facilities, are considered to be de facto war criminal. As now they use more and more emblems, I wonder if the soldiers in the war would take the effort to differ which one to shoot or which one should not shoot.


Supreme Court justices, put on his Civil War uniform and lectured young Harvard students that war was "divine," not to be missed. The U.S. president, William McKinley, who had seen the dead stacked up at Antietam as a Civil War soldier, tried to resist the rush to battle.


Antigonus, we know, at least, had a soldier, a venturous fellow, but of wretched health and constitution; the reason of whose ill-look he took the trouble to inquire into; and, on understanding from him that it was a disease, commanded his physicians to employ their utmost skill, and if possible recover him; which brave hero, when once cured, never afterwards sought danger or showed himself venturous in battle; and, when Antigonus wondered and upbraided him with his change, made no secret of the reason, and said,"Sir, you are the cause of my cowardice, by freeing me from those miseries which made me care little for life."


It's the story of Niko Bellic, an Eastern European soldier-for-hire fighting his way up the organized crime ladder in an archly satirical version of New Yo— I mean, Liberty City.

它讲述了一位叫做Niko Bellic的东欧雇佣兵在一个开玩笑的方式嘲讽的纽约市,哦,我是说自由市,的组织犯罪社会中一路过关斩将的故事。

Soldier put down the armet, showed up gold hair, sure be a lady, a crasher.


Currently there is a nationwide real estate investment, but they are often single-soldier combat, Wenzhou is not the same as a "group army."


We arrive at a high place where the sight-seeingis very good. The soldier ask me to wait for everybody before going on.


He could now see distinctly the figure of the red-haired artilleryman, with a shako crushed on one side, pulling a mop one way, while a French soldier was tugging it the other way.


The soldier was as hard as nails .


In fact, I was an aspiring chemist and a regular soldier in the army.


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So Long, Soldier
Requiem For A Soldier
Love Is The Only Soldier
Heart's A Soldier
Behind Me Lies Another Fallen Soldier
Behind Me Lies Another Fallen Soldier
The Soldier Song
Soldier, Soldier

But in the course of internationalization, they meet with misunderstanding and puzzlement.


Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll beteamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animatorswhosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks.


They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee?

7:52 他们回答他说,难道你也是出于加利利么?