英语人>网络例句>soak 相关的网络例句
与 soak 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is however, a very pleasant city to do just this: feast on some great food and soak up some of the mellow atmosphere in one of the thousands of tea houses dotted about the city.


Drain away hot water and soak noodle in ice water for 3 minutes.


You should also soak dried fish foods before letting your goldfish feed on them and this will help with his digestion.


Also, the soak method will work for store bought driftwood.


The ultrastructure resultshowed that in model group blood intima was adema,broadening, evendiscontinuous and incomplete under blood vessel bast. In the blood themonocyte and the lymphocyte infiltrated to intension board. Manymacrophages could befound and there were massive all levels of dissolve theenzyme body and swallow slightly soak in its cytoblastema,The endosarc netand the ribose body was increased and outside the amnion the pseudopodappeared. Endothelial cell morphogenesis changed. It is obvious thatmitochondria was dropsy, cytoblastema was non-uniformity.


Solar system take the sun as the core, sun's entire "the sphere of influence" is been called as in the astronomy "the heliosphere", is also (energetic particle which the solar wind the sun sprays) can touch a place Lian Cheng hypothesized pouch to soak, the sun and the solar system good magnitude are included in which.


Soak your feet in chamomile tea, Epsom salt and lavender for about ten minutes in order to reduce any swelling.


Face with warm water to soak for at least 5 minutes, you can use the hot towel face wrap.


The head other result brain tumor pledges fasciculus can have in DTT in vain the following 3 kinds of expression:(1) is interrupted,(2) shift,(3) soak.


There are unlimited natural is a landscape painting, as long as the soul naturally soak into fit with wisdom and faith, we can introduce legislation in the loess, the look of the white clouds the horizon; standing cloud on the side of Buddha overlooking the desert; into the "third river "and" mid-stream water, waves Feizhou stop."


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Soak The Sin
Soak Up The Sun

More than five decades after the Indian constitution promises a casteless society, there is no sign that the castes are disappearing.


Don't distract him from his studies.


I just want you to know that I think you are doing a terrific job.
