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score a goal相关的网络例句

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与 score a goal 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When Korean midfielder Ahn Jung Hwan headed the ball home in the 77th minute of the US-Korea match to tie the score 1-1 and keep the country's hopes of advancement alive, his post-goal showboating gave way to the sweeping arm motions of a speed skater.


When Korean midfielder Ahn Jung Hwan headed the ball home in the 77th minute of the U.S-Korea match to tie the score 1-1 and keep the country's hopes of advancement alive, his post-goal showboating gave way to the sweeping arm motions of a speed skater.


When Korean midfielder Ahn Jung Hwan headed the ball home in the 77th minute of the U.S-Korea match to tie the score 1-1 and keep the country's hopes of advancement alive, his post-goal showboating gave way to the sweeping arm motions of a speed skater.

showboat作名词时,意为&演艺船,尤指美国密西西比河上者:,这里用做动词,指&做动作示意胜利&。后面的gave way to原意为&让位于,被。。。所取代,这里指安贞焕用速滑运动员张开双臂庆祝胜利的动作替代了足球运动员通常用来庆祝进球的动作。

When Korean midfielder Ahn Jung Hwan headed the ball home in the 77th minute of the U.S-Korea match to tie the score 1-1 and keep the country's hopes of advancement alive, his post-goal showboating gave way to the sweeping arm motions of a speed skater.

在美韩比赛进行到77分钟时,韩国中场队员Ahn Jung Hwan头球得分,与美国队1-1战平。

Just before time, Li Xiaolin made the score 2 1, with a beautiful shot into the toop right hand corner of the boys' goal.


Just before time, li Xiao li n made the score 2 1, with a beautiful shot into the toop right hand corner of the boys' goal.


As played in England, the object of the game was for a player to touch the ball, with both hands, at the goal end of the pool. The goaltender stood on the pool deck, ready to dive on any opponent who was about to score .


It's normal that an attacker should score but he had a good performance anyway and his disallowed goal seemed fine.


I try to be a Crewe fan, and scream when they score their second goal.


Then, with the game almost over, I received the ball, dribbled past a player, and kicked with my right foot to score the 4th goal!!!


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
