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与 scoot 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The development process of urban traffic signal control systems is simply reviewed, and the actuals and evolvement of traffic systems such as SCOOT, SCATS, UTOPIA, RHODES, OPAC and PRODYN are introduced. The above systems′ characteristics and shortages are analyzed. This paper points out that the keys for improving the performances of urban traffic signal control system are high quality detection data of traffic volume and traffic models.The development of urban traff...


I only wanted to scoot downstairs for a quick after-dinner walk.


As a Scorpio, there is a limit to the amount of socializing you usually like to do before you call a halt to it and scoot away for time alone.


This article in studies on the SCOOT and SCATS system's merits and demerits, according to our urban road network system's characteristics, has designed one system based on the closed ring circuit auto-adapted region transportation coordination control.


Has your scoot been sitting in the garage all winter, just dying to be ridden?


The attraction for BT is Scoot's very efficient search engine and its comprehensive classified listing database.

Scoot 的历史可谓一波三折。在网络膨胀顶峰的时候,它的估值为 25 亿欧元,而现在只有当时的百分之一。

Urban traffic control systems in China are usually introduced from foreign countries, such as SCOOT and SCATS. These systems are the passive control system and mainly designed for motor traffic,which are proved not adapted to the mix traffic condition in China.


The models and systems that have been developed include both the off-line models such as TRANSYT and PASSER, and on-line systems such as SCOOT, SCATS,UTCS, and the latest RT-TRACS, which is a framework still under development.


E. the optimal signal timing method of the green wave tuning signal control and that of the minimum delay time summation of the average delay time.The thesis gives an analysis of the widely adopted signal control systems such as TRANSYT, SCATS and SCOOT and points out the disadvantages of the systems.


The models and systems that have been developed include both the off-line models such as TRANSYT and PASSER, and on-line systems such as SCOOT, SCATS, UTCS, and the latest RT-TRACS, which is a framework still under development.

过去几十年来,协调信号控制策略一直是研究热点,相关的模型系统也得以开发,包括离线模型如TRANSYT,PASSER,在线系统如SCOOT,SC ATS,UTCS,以及正在

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For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them.


The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
