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与 sanctuary 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus prepared the guest will silently approach the sanctuary, and, if a samurai, will leave his sword on the rack beneath the eaves, the tea-room being pre-eminently the house of peace.


After I went to taping the program at the Huay Kha Kheng Wild Life Sanctuary and when the trip broadcasted, there was a message from the officer saying 'Thank you very much to make the audiences see we have been working very hard to keep the Wildlife and we give you our supports.

在我录制在Huay KhaKheng Wild Life Sanctuary的节目,并播出之后,我们收到了官方的信息--感谢你们,你们让观众看到了我们正努力致力于保护野生生态,我们支持你们。

The Book of the Covenant, so the critics tell us, knows only three feasts: the seven-days feast of the azymes in memory of the exodus form Egypt, the feast of the harvest, and that of the end of the harvest (Exodus 23:14-7); Deuteronomy ordains the keeping of the feasts at the central sanctuary adds to Pasch to the feast of the azymes, places the second feast seven weeks after the first, and calls the third,"feast of tabernacles", extending its duration to seven days (Deuteronomy 16:1-17); the Priestly Code prescribes the exact ritual for five feasts, adding the feast of trumpets and of atonement, all of which must be kept at the central sanctuary.

图书的盟约,所以批评告诉我们,只知道三个节日: 7天的节日中的azymes记忆的形式外流埃及,节日的收成,而年底的收成(出埃及记23 :14 - 7 );申命记ordains保存的节日在中央圣殿增加Pasch的盛宴的azymes ,地方第二次盛宴七周之后的第一,并呼吁第三,&住棚节&,扩大其期限为7天(申命记16:1-17 );守则规定的祭司的确切仪式五个节日,增加节日的喇叭和赎罪,所有这一切都必须保持在中央圣殿。

The Book of the Covenant, so the critics tell us, knows only three feasts: the seven-days feast of the azymes in memory of the exodus form Egypt, the feast of the harvest, and that of the end of the harvest (Exodus 23:14-7); Deuteronomy ordains the keeping of the feasts at the central sanctuary adds to Pasch to the feast of the azymes, places the second feast seven weeks after the first, and calls the third,"feast of tabernacles", extending its duration to seven days (Deuteronomy 16:1-17); the Priestly Code prescribes the exact ritual for five feasts, adding the feast of trumpets and of atonement, all of which must be kept at the central sanctuary.

这本书的盟约,所以批评者告诉我们,知道只有三个节日: 7天盛宴的azymes在记忆的出埃及记的形式埃及,节日收获,并指出,年底收获(出埃及记23 :14 - 7 );申命记ordains饲养的节日,在中央庇护增加pasch到盛宴的azymes ,地方的第二盛宴七个星期后,第一,并呼吁第三,&住棚节&,扩大其会期7天(申命记16:1-17 ); priestly守则订明的确切仪式5宴,加入节日小号和赎罪,所有这些都必须保持在中央的庇护所。

The game takes place on Sanctuary, a world of dark fantasy.


The game takes place on Sanctuary, a world of dark fantasy.

故事发生在一个叫做 Sanctuary 的世界中,这个世界充满了黑暗的传说。

The game takes place on Sanctuary, a world of dark fantasy.


R Sanctuary, where elephants have worn paths through the wilderness and a 75-foot (23-meter) tower hovers within the blooming canopy, offering views of langurs, water buffalo, wild boars, and the few remaining tigers below.

r Sanctuary的丛林中艰难跋涉,在那里大象们已经踏出了一条穿过丛林的路径,一个75英尺高(23米)的塔在这浓密的树荫中摇摆,它提供了观察叶候、水牛、野猪还有为数不多的老虎等动物的良好视角。

So she and colleagues conducted experiments on about 60 apes of various ages at the Tchimpounga Sanctuary in the Republic of the Congo and the Lola ya Bonobo sanctuary in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

因此,她和她的同事,对60个不同年龄段的类人猿进行了一系列实验。这些类人猿来自刚果的Tchimpounga禁猎区和刚过民主共和国的Lola ya巴诺布禁猎区。

Sanctuary有很详尽的描述:Down to the time of Louis XI, every town in France had its place of sanctuary, forming,in the deluge of penal laws and barbarous jurisdictions, that inundated the cities, islands, as it were, which rose above the level of human justice.


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In The Sanctuary
It Is Usually The Boys Who Cry Wolf That Grow Up To Be The Men Who Cry Sanctuary
My Sanctuary
She Sells Sanctuary

The physiology of the skin machine body for the sake of the environment in the maintenance stability, but eject a body metabolism creation of metabolism thing BE'grease', summer perspire many various skin disease light or good, autumn perspire little metabolism thing metabolism don't go out, various skin disease made, this be the skin machine body of various burning disease.


If I had anything tender in me, I shot it dead.


The argumentation way in which this literary grace using is based on color painting, setting out from two angles separately " color"、" ink and wash", making criticizition in texts of Chinese ancient drawing history; analyzing how "color" painting was on the way from ripe to losing; emphatically analyzing the reason of losing in color center, that is to say the reason of "the change of ink and wash ", and its reconstructional way of combination, development with "ink and wash" it was "replaced" by the afterward manner. In a word, the developing "replaced"by the afterward manner.
