英语人>网络例句>rioters 相关的网络例句

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与 rioters 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If rioters throw rocks to National Guard troops on the street of New Orlean, won't they be shot at?


Do you know the story of the innocent THREE-YEAR-OLD Chinese GIRL who was BRUTALLY BUTCHERED by the Indonesian Malay rioters when they broke into her parents house, in Tanjong Pinang, of Indonesia?


Do you know the story of the innocent THREE-YEAR-OLD Chinese GIRL who was BRUTALLY BUTCHERED by the Indonesian Malay rioters when they broke into her parents house, in Tanjong Pinang, of Indonesia?


MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD, rephrasing a statement that he made earlier calling Iranian rioters "dust"


Youths hurled firebombs and rocks at police, who responded with tear gas. Rioters set fires and smashed storefronts and bank outlets.


First , let ur child do not never speak that "free tibet" out again,let ur president knowing that beijing olympic is not use for boybotting ,meanwhile distinguish our chinese and ur african floozies and take back ur "free tibet" flag in fornt of ur offical hall, enhancing ur paris' polices' ablility, which can not block few "free tibet" rioters. u ve already done so many things in reality , yet then u said we need friendship between our countries???????

让你们家大人教育下你们的小孩不要再说,free tibet,让你们总统明白北京奥运不是让他来抵制的,让你们巴黎市长分清楚中国人和非洲妓女并且把藏独旗子放回他们家爱惜好,提高你们巴黎警察的安全意识,别连几个藏独份子都拿不住,手无缚鸡之力,你们已经啥都做了,最后还来这说一句,我们渴望友好合作?

"Tear gas was first used in warfare in World War I, but since its effects are short-lasting and rarely disabling, it came into use by law-enforcement agencies as a means of dispersing mobs, disabling rioters, and flush ing out armed suspects without the use of deadly force."


"Tear gas was first used in warfare in World War I, but since its effects are short-lasting and rarely disabling, it came into use by law-enforcement agencies as a means of dispersing mobs, disabling rioters, and flushing out armed suspects without the use of deadly force."


"Tear gas was first used in warfare in World War I, but since its effects are short-lasting and rarely disabling, it came into use by law-enforcement agencies as a means of dispersing mobs, disabling rioters, and flushing out armed suspect s without the use of deadly force."


Groups of rioters, broke into a clothes store, burnt everything in it, together with 5 young saleswomen, all to the ground.


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Life. But the intrinsic way of the Internet by wire confines accessing and using of the network information.


I have a strong persuasion that this is true .


Baby One More Time, outfitted her in full Catholic-school regalia, and sent her well on the way to becoming an international sex symbol.
