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return to相关的网络例句

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与 return to 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When the production function was general, using theory of control and theory of stability, this paper discussed the production effect of government expenditure and fiscal policy, and got the expression of economic growth rate and structure stability of the economic variables when the production function was constant return to scale or increasing return to scale or decreasing return to scale, and pointed out how the interrelated parameters affected economic growth rate.

摘 要:在生产函数为一般形式时,利用控制论及定性理论的基本方法,讨论政府支出的生产效应和此时的财政政策。得出了当生产函数为规模收益不变、递增和递减时,经济增长率的大小及此时相关经济变量的定性结构,并指出了各种情况下相关参数如何对经济增长率产生影响。

The proportion in DEA inefficiency, in decreasing return to scale or in increasing return to scale of various types of universities decreases; and the proportion in constant return to scale increases.


As the further they explore the natural world and diverse cultures, the deeper understanding these youth will earn towards our mother nature and exotic ethnicities .5句:By the time they return to the classroom,the sense of mission becomes so strong that their appreciation and comprehension of the major will far-out weigh their peers.

第2-5句:To begin with,毕业生选择旅行能够开阔他们的视野,了解世界各地不同的自然景观和人文景观,提高他们对生态环境的保护意识以及文化包容度,这对于他们返校之后对于专业的理解和认识会更深。同时,学习的使命感也更大。

The results show that under crop rotation of wheat and maize in damp soil and brown soil, stalks return to fields integrated with applying potash fertilizer can keep K balance within a cycle and K return rate reaches 109.1%~111.9%, annual wheat stalks return to fields can provide 226.5~261.0 kg/hm2 K, meanwhile the K return rate reaches 95.2%~97.1% for only applying potash fertilizer; under crop rotation of wheat and soy bean in grittiness black earth, only applying potash fertilizer can also keep K balance within a cycle, its K return rate reaches 119.9%, meanwhile the K return rate reaches 142.0% for stalks return to fields integrated with applying potash fertilizer, which result from maize being much more absorption to K than soy bean.


Caused by disc brake on the brake Wheel Cylinder could not return to places 4 possible: First, 5 foot brake valve exhaust port blocking, high-pressure gas instinct platoon atmosphere, caused by gas-liquid master cylinder of the spring could not return to place, resulting in the system move oil, brake disc brake Wheel Cylinder Piston top dead and could not return to places; second is to the disc brake master cylinder gas-liquid pipeline blockage, resulting in brake Cylinder piston can not return to place; third master cylinder of the gas-liquid Spring itself can not return to position, brake fluid under high pressure gas can not return Axial pump to gas-liquid master cylinder reservoir chamber, resulting in brake Cylinder piston can not return to places; Fourth Wheel Cylinder piston disc brake system, due to moving fluid dirty or rusty card dead and can not return to the piston position.


Linstead is not a jazz artist per se but can be mildly jazzy at times, demonstrating that he is well aware of Django Reinhardt 's innovative gypsy swing as well as the fusion guitar playing of Pat Metheny , John McLaughlin , and Return to Forever graduate Al DiMeola .

Linstead本质上不是一位爵士艺术家,却能够不时表现出适度的爵士味道,证明他既非常了解Django Reinhardt标新立异的吉普赛轻快节奏,也同样了解Pat Metheny、John McLaughlin、以及以《 Return to Forever 》为标志的 Al DiMeola这些人演奏的具有融合风格的吉他。

Return to a previous stable state, such as one in which a database is known to be complete and consistent.

2,返回到先前的一个稳定状态下,例如 To 在数据库中回到某个被已知是完整的和一致的状态下。

The main reason is that many high-grade office space is equipped with all-air central air conditioning, is to first deal with air, reducing temperature and humidity, the air sent through the pipeline to the room through the return air, pipeline to return to the central processing system, central processing system for cooling air return after降湿part of the new wind coupled with the second round after the blast, and so the cycle, while the central air-conditioning system for energy conservation, often adding a little fresh air, return air devices in the recovery rate of 80%, resulting in cross-infection the opportunity to increase significantly.

主要的原因是,许多高品位的办公空间配备了全空气中央空调,是先处理空气,降低温度和湿度,空气通过管道传送到房间通过回风管道返回中央处理系统,中央处理系统,冷却空气降湿后返回的一部分,新风,加上第二轮爆炸后,所以周期,而中央空调系统节能,往往增加了小新鲜空气,回风装置,回收率为80 %,导致交叉感染的机会大大增加。

Other options press the right arrow key during the regular preview display to select any of these options feather icon description self clock photo taken after a 10 second delay when the shutter button is pressed.with the camera mounted on a tripod,this can help prebent blur caused by jarring the camera when the shutter button is pressed.to take a photo at the exact time you wish and also reduce camera shake ,plug the included remore shutter button cable into the jack on the rear of the camera pod and use it instead of the shutter button on the camera swquence multiple frames 3frames are takenin rapid sequence when the shutter button is pressed video movie camera camera shoots a video clip when the shutter button is pressed ,with the resolution ,fuame rate and modedetermined by settings in the video size submenu under resolution in the main munu.the counter on the right side of the display indicated seconds.press the shutter button again to stop recordng press the right arrow key once more after the movie camera icon appears to return to normal still photo mode review display indications icon 1 battery indicator 2 file number 3 internal or sd card memory indicator 4 file type (JPH=still photo AVI=video file) 5 reviewmode indicator 6 video counter

其他选项按正确的箭头键在正规预览显示选择任何这样的选择羽毛图标的描述这张照片后自我时钟10秒延时当快门按钮是pressed.with相机三脚架上,这可以帮助prebent模糊图像造成突兀的快门按钮是pressed.to拍照的确切时间,你希望,也减少了相机抖动,塞了包括remore快门按钮电缆到杰克在后方的相机的小花数、荚果数和使用它,而不是在照相机快门按钮 swquence多帧序列是takenin时迅速3frames快门按钮被按下视频电影摄影机相机射视频剪辑当快门按钮按下时,这项决议,fuame率和模式(nurmal ro回路)由设置在视频大小子菜单中的主要munu.the决议计数器右侧的显示器显示seconds.press快门按钮停止recordng 按正确的箭头键后再一次电影摄像机图标似乎回到正常的还是照片模式回顾显示的指示图标, 1电池指示灯。 2档案号码 3内部或sd卡记忆文件存储位置指示器。 4文件类型(鼻咽喉科杂志==视频文件仍然照片的AVI)。 5评论模式指示器 6视频柜台

The optional order by clause can be used to reorder the tuple stream. The return clause constructs the result of the FLWOR expression. The return clause is evaluated once for every tuple in the tuple stream, after filtering by the where clause, using the variable bindings in the respective tuples.

可选子句order by可用来记录元组流。return子句构造FLWOR表达式的结果。return子句在where子句过滤后,使用在相应元组中绑定的变量为每一个元组流中的元组计算一次。

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Return To Paradise (Part 2)
Return To Paradise Part 1
Return To Blue
Return To Flesh
Return To Me
The Dark 2: Return To The Dark
Return To Me
Return To Paradise
Return To Sender
Return To Innocence

But in the course of internationalization, they meet with misunderstanding and puzzlement.


Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll beteamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animatorswhosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks.


They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee?

7:52 他们回答他说,难道你也是出于加利利么?