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与 repentance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Agricola denied even this function of the law, believing that repentance should be induced only through the preaching of the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Christ.


Here we see the apostasy of Israel and their punishment, with their future repentance, forgiveness, and restoration.


The chief characteristic of this time is found in the recurring change from apostasy and punishment to repentance and deliverance.


Yet I doubt if,at the present day,repentance in such cases would be often the result of punishment by the state.


John the Baptizer appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.


The Pagan religion indeed, which prohibited only some of the grosser crimes, and which stopped the hand but meddled not with the heart, might have crimes that were inexpiable; but a religion which bridles all the passions; which is not more jealous of actions than of thoughts and desires; which holds us not by a few chains but by an infinite number of threads; which, leaving human justice aside, establishes another kind of justice; which is so ordered as to lead us continually from repentance to love, and from love to repentance; which puts between the judge and the criminal a greater mediator, between the just and the mediator a great judge — a religion like this ought not to have inexpiable crimes.


Perhaps some of this group ought to be considered as forming a distinct category by themselves, and to be designated as psalms of repentance or penitential hymns; for their key-note is open confession of sin and transgression prompted by ardent repentance, preluding the yearning for forgiveness.

也许有人这个小组应该被视为形成一个独特的类别由自己,被指定为诗篇悔过或penitential圣歌;为他们的关键值得注意的是,公开认罪,罪恶的和侵提示殷切悔改, preluding的向往宽恕。

E. ,"knowing the past, grasping the meaning of the past, and then acquiring freedom", the prototype of which just is that of the repentance of Judaic-Christianity, i. e.,"confessing to God, converting to God through contrition, and then being absolved by the grace from God". In addition to the recollection of psychoanalysis, another essential conception of it, transference, is also deeply rooted in the repentance of Judaic-Christianity, more adequately, in the principle of solidarism, the foundation of which is the idea of love of God.


Contemporary Literature and Culture lacking depth situation is the lack of a deep sense of remorse and repentance, The purpose of this paper is basis on analysising Lu Xun and Ba Jin' sense of remorse and regret, which Enlight the current literature and culture. Our literature culture needs to repent, but should not limited to repentance, we have to over through it, Perhaps, we will make our literature and cultural development board to a new level.


Perhaps some of this group ought to be considered as forming a distinct category by themselves, and to be designated as psalms of repentance or penitential hymns; for their key-note is open confession of sin and transgression prompted by ardent repentance, preluding the yearning for forgiveness.

也许有些本集团应视为构成一个独特的类别本身,以及被指定为诗篇的忏悔或悔罪的赞美诗;的关键注意的是开放的招供的罪孽和侵提示殷切悔改, preluding的渴望宽恕。

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Goodness To Repentance

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
