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与 relationship 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Starts with the three parts of the relationship of the villages and towns government and the villager committees and the relationship of the two rural committees and the relationship of the two rural committees and villager, analyzes how the agriculture tax-and-fee reformation effects on the villagers" autonomy systematically, and think the agriculture tax-and-fee reformation will be advantageous to die down "theadministeration turn" of the village committees, meliorate the relationship of the two rural committees and the crowd, alleviate the two rural committees antinomy, promote organization construction of the two rural committees, but in the meantime also bring some series problems for the village autonomy such as public finance problem, tax fee tail owe problem etc., in the end put forward that we should push forward the villager" autonomy of the post-agriculture tax ages from the four parts of the Grass-roots Government, relationship between officials and the masses, relationship between the two rural committees and the village collective economy.


On analyzing the reason of the failure of CRM, which are the inexplicit strategy definition and the misidentification of key processes, resources, competences and technologies aligned with CRM strategy, we use Balanced Scorecard as a new tool to define Customer Relationship Management strategy.

在分析客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)实践失败原因的基础上,结合平衡计分卡的优势,建立了基于平衡计分卡的CRM战略模型,通过从财务、客户、流程和学习与成长四个视角的分析,鉴别出支撑CRM战略的关键流程、资源、技术和能力。

Guizhou Telecom Customer Relationship Management System is based on the a CRM system of data warehouse. In this system ,the necessary factor is integrating the data of huge volume and complex actions to form conforming, construction data warehouse.

贵州电信大客户管理系统就是建立在数据仓库上的一个CRM(Customer Relationship Management)系统,在这个系统中,必不可少的要素是将海量的、复杂的客户行为数据集中起来的,形成整合的、结构化的数据仓库,这是数据挖掘的基础。

With the development of the market economy and the intenseness of the competion,Enterprise continually bring forward new concept and method to promote abilities of competition,in which the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is one of the new strategie to help the corporation make progress and successes in competition.

和灭市场经济收铺和合做的加剧,企业为降上合做力出无续推出旧的收铺念道和方式,其外从户闭解管理(Customer Relationship Management)便非企业为到达合做致负、快快删加的纲的而降出的一类旧的收铺和略。

There is a positive relationship between the degree of knowledge tacitness and transfer cost; there is a negative relationship between the degree of knowledge overlap and transfer cost; there is a positive relationship between the degree of physics distance and transfer cost, but the relationship is not that significant; there is a positive relationship between the hierachical distance and transfer cost; there is a negative relationship between the trust and transfer cost.


The semeiology and grounded theory are combined to thoroughly analyze testee"s purchase behavior data and two kinds of questionnaire data, and research the factors and relationship between relationship values in shopping website"s HCI. The relationship values model of shopping website"s HCI is set up to demonstrate the effect of bidirectional relationship values which are composed of six factors, and demonstrate bidirectional relationship values will realize the value-added relationship in the purchase"s interaction process.


Marriage laws, agnatic relationship, and kingly government, belong, in the order of development, to recent times.

婚姻法、男系亲属关系(宗亲关系agnatic relationship)和君主政体在发展的次序上属于新近各时期。

In this paper, a quantitative structure-property relationship study was carried out for modeling pKa and logP of carboxylic acids.

利用QSPR(Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship)的研究方法,对41种有机羧酸的各阶分子连接性指数及其价指数进行了计算。

Customer relationship management is under the purpose of ameliorating the relationship between enterprise and customer. It is a new management mechanism. It actualizes in the marketing, sales, serves and technique suppose etc.

前言客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management简称CRM)是一种旨在改善企业与客户之间关系的新型管理机制,它实施于企业的市场营销,销售,服务与技术支持等与客户有关的领域。

Customer relationship management is under the purpose of ameliorating the relationship between enterprise and customer.

客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management)是一种旨在改善企业与客户之间关系的新型管理机制。

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Long Distance Relationship
Ultimate Relationship (A.M.)
Strange Relationship
Love Hate Relationship
Our Bizarre Relationship
Another Relationship
Strange Relationship
Pointless Relationship
Love Hate Relationship
3 Way Relationship

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
