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与 raw 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Even more so if you shoot in raw. Now, that is for ambient light.

如果你是用 raw 拍摄的话,则会进一步增加简单性。

First of all, large-format cameras allow flexible adjustment, by shifting up, down or sideways of the front and/or back of the camera, and secure great apparent depth of field to obtain images freely. This provides photographers a sound basis for art creation. With relatively larger films, it is possible to obtain more raw data, which illustrate all the tiny details in the image.


I recommend Canon EOS DSLR cameras for long-exposure astrophotography because of their proven performance, low noise and ease of use in working with true raw files.


If you're not using raw strings, then Python will convert the "\b" to a backspace, and your RE won't match as you expect it to.

如果你没有使用 raw 字元串时,那麼 Python 将会把"\b"转换成一个回退符,你的 RE 将无法象你希望的那样匹配它了。

Next we have to generate a RAW Binary code file for the above code.


For example, one byte of RAW data with bits 11001011 is displayed and entered as 'CB'.

例如,1 字节 RAW 数据的各位为 11001011,将被显示为' CB '。

Another way to achieve correct color balance, if your camera supports it, is to save your photos in raw format.


The contemporary packaging reflects the edginess of the brand and literally makes RAW raw.


To make the most of RAW mono in the fi eld choose the option for shooting in black and white.


Methods] 317 silicosis cases were measured by FEV[FVC%,FEV1.0%,(FEV1.0/FVC)%]and pleth ysmographical airway resistance measurement(Raw%、sRaw%、Gaw%、sGaw%),then compa red their abnormal rates.

方法] 对317例矽肺患者进行用力呼气量[FEV :FVC%、FEV1.0%、(FEV1.0/FVC%)]及体描法气道阻力测定[Raw%、sRaw%、Gaw%、sGaw%]。

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Uncut Raw
Raw Shit
Raw & Uncut
Play'n It Raw
Rollin' Raw
Raw Meat
I'm So Raw
Everything Remains Raw
Just Give It To Me Raw
Movin' Raw

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Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
