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The AMF spore average density was 24.88 per 20 g soil , the species richness was 1.94 per soil sample, the species diversity index was 2.56, and the species evenness was 0.65. Glomus, but they all were of prominent genus in the investigation area and Acaulospora, Scutellospora were of common genus while Entrophospora was rarely found. In the 13 species AM fungi, G.mosseae was of prominent species, and G.geosporum, G.intraradices, G.etunicatum were of common speices, while the others were of rarely species. There were 87.5% sand fixation plant were infected with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, the highest spore density, the strongest infection strength of the whole roots and the best species richness belonged to Chenopodiaceae while Polygonacea was the lowest.

四属AM真菌中,Glomus为优势属, Scutellospora 、Acaulospora为常见属,Entrophospora则为稀有属;十三种AM真菌中,G.mosseae、G.geosporum分别为优势种、最常见种,G.intraradices,G.etunicatum为常见种,其余均为稀有种;五科固沙植物中,87.5%的植物能被菌根侵染,其中藜科植物孢子密度最高,整个根系侵染强度最强,种的丰度最高,蓼科植物孢子密度、整个根系侵染强度、种的丰度则最低;禾本科植物不仅具有最好的丛枝结构,且具有相对高的亲和性,能与12种AM真菌共生。

Inflorescence a terminal panicle, raceme, or spike, dense or lax, covered by 1--3 spatulate involucral bracts when immature; bracts open to base, rarely hooded, each subtending 1 flower or a cincinnus of 2 to many flowers; bracteoles open to base or tubular, rarely hooded, sometimes absent.


Inflorescence axillary or rarely terminal, paniculate, corymbose, racemose, or cymose, rarely solitary.


Leaves 1-foliolate, rarely 3-foliolate or simple; petiole usually articulated with base of leaf blade, usually conspicuously winged; leaf blade subleathery to leathery, with dense pellucid fragrant oil dots, margin crenulate or rarely entire.


Leaf margin denticulate, crenulate, rarely entire or subentire; corolla urceolate or tubular, rarely campanulate; anthers with short spurs or not.


Plants evergreen, rarely deciduous; fruit with leathery exocarp and spongy mesocarp; seeds embedded in pulp vesicles; leaves 1-foliolate, simple, or rarely digitately 3-foliolate.

种植常绿,很少dediduous(柑橘属trifoliata );果具革质的外果皮和海绵状的中果皮;种子嵌入在果肉囊里;掌状的叶单身复叶,单纯,或很少具3小叶。

Nutlets ovoid or long turbinate, slightly dorsiventrally, rarely slightly bilaterally compressed, or abaxial and adaxial surfaces extended and becoming long turbinate, usually tuberculate, glabrous or short pubescent, rarely with glochids, abaxially usually with an aperture, aperture margin 1-(or 2)-layered; attachment scar extending from base to apex adaxially.


Ovary inferior or semi-inferior, rarely superior; carpels (1 or)2–5,± adnate to inner side of cupular receptacle; fruit a pome, sometimes berrylike, rarely small and drupaceous.


Basal leaf blade reniform, rarely ovate-cordate, apex rounded, rarely subobtuse or emarginate; cauline leaf about as large as basal ones; petals obovate, eglandular, apex emarginate

肾形,很少卵状心形,先端圆形的基生叶,很少微钝或微缺;关于象基生者一样大的茎生叶;花瓣倒卵形,无腺体,先端微缺 18 P。 chinensis 中国梅花草

These vegetations appear in about 4% of SLE patients and rarely cause problems because they are not large and rarely embolize.


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And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


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