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I think we have identified the caus- es . The most probable cause of the erosion is the too high speed of the fl ui d with the entrai ned metal particles .

然而, 经过我们完整的调查和分析,我们认为已经找到了问题的原因,最可能的原因就是过高的流体速度,而且流体中还夹带有金属颗粒。

Prince Andrey's second letter was written under Vitebsk, after the French had taken it. It consisted of a brief account of the whole campaign, with a plan sketched to illustrate it, and of reflections on the probable course it would take in the future.


It is probable that the Song of Roland was written after this speech, for before this Turpin's militant theology would likely have been considered heretical.


The work is preserved in a Latin translation made from Greek; but it is highly probable that the original language was Hebrew, and that it was written at a time not very remote from the common era.


However, it is probable if not certain that the Apostle made use of an interpreter, especially of Sylvanus; St.

不过,这是可能的,如果不能肯定使徒利用口译,尤其是sylvanus ;圣杰罗姆说:&这两个书信归因于圣彼得的不同风格,特色,并建设的话,这证明根据紧急的时刻,圣彼得作出使用不同的口译员&

The Bloody Tower was the scene of the infamous disappearance of the two princes; Edward V (12) and Richard Duke of York (10), who are thought to have been murdered in 1483 on the probable command of the Duke of Gloucestershire, who was to be crowned Richard the III.


It is also to be noted that if the authenticity of this Epistle has been denied by most of the liberal critics since Schleiermacher's day, it is nevertheless conceded by many modern critics, Protestants among them, and held at least as probable by Harnack and Julicher.

还应该指出,如果这一书信的真实性已经否认了最自由的批评,因为施莱尔马赫的一天,但它仍然是承认了许多现代的批评,它们之间的新教徒,并举行了至少可能由哈尔纳克和Julicher 。

It is probable that the first two movements were drafted before the crisis in Mahler's marriage, which occurred at the end of July 1910 when he discovered that his wife Alma had been having an affair with the architect Walter Gropius, who had wanted her to leave Mahler for him (she was to marry Gropius some years after Mahler's death).


But it is hardly probable that Philo had heard enough of Christ and His followers to give an historical foundation to the foregoing legends.


It is probable that scold, which is first recorded in Middle English in a work probably composed around 1150, has a Scandinavian source that is related to the Old Icelandic word sk 3,"poet."

Scold 这个词在中世纪英语中第一次被记录在一部大约于1150年创作的作品中,它有可能源于斯堪的纳维亚语,与skald 这个在冰岛古语中表示&诗人&的词有关。

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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
