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与 presume 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Don't you tell me what to spend my money on, I thought, and don't presume I have a partner at all, let alone a patient one. I'll spend the whole lot on Bacardi Breezers and drink them all myself, if I feel like it.


"And then it was, I presume," said Monte Cristo "that you came to me as the bearer of a letter from the Abb Busoni?"


"And then it was, I presume," said Monte Cristo "that you came to me as the bearer of a letter from the Abbé Busoni?"


"We presume the cause of death was heart failure stemming from exhaustion," a Taegu provincial police official said by telephone.


"We presume the cause of death was heart failure stemming from exhaustion," a Taegu provincial police official said by telephone.


One would reasonably presume the ancient markets-imagine the agora in Athens or a bazaar in the Fertile Crescent of Mesopotamia-necessitated systemic organization and coordination, bringing people together in ways to facilitate exchanges and, on balance, improving society (see also Lane, 1991; and McMillan, 2002, p. 4, who hints the oldest discovered artifact of written language may be a marketing transaction, scratched in baked clay, circa 3000 BC).

人们有理由推测古市场,想象立即在雅典或集市在新月沃地的美索不达米亚,需要系统性的组织和协调,使人们团结在一起的方式,以促进交流,并在平衡,改善社会(又见巷, 1991年;和麦克米兰, 2002年,第4页,谁最古老的发现暗示影的书面语言可能是一个市场交易,抓伤的烤粘土,大约公元前3000年)。

The Concept science of law and Analysis science of law presume that it is not impossible to establish systematic and complete substantive law and It is possible to affirm the specific of substantive law absolutely. A saying is popular among French lawyers,that "I do not know the civil law, only know the Napoleonic Code".


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Dr. Watson, I Presume
Dr. Livingston, I Presume

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
