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与 point-blank 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Point spread function estimation is very important in image restoration.

Point spread function的估计对图象复原具有重要的作用。

Charles Hughes developed POMO. Point Of Maximum Opportunity. I attended a lecture he presented on the subject back in the late 70's.

查理·休斯发展出了POMO理论,Point Of Maximum Opportunity。1970年代末期,我参加了一次他谈论这个话题的讲座。

The program sets the y fields of the POINT structure to sine curve values for one cycle and enlarged to fill the client area.

程序设置 POINT 结构的 y 域为一个周期的正弦曲线值并扩大以填充客户区。

Lena's ex-husband is supporting her kid.My point of view is that, a feminist is made, not born.

point of view:看问题的角度(前面介词用from,而且通常用来指别人的看法而不是自己的看法)。

Now qualifying as one of Kuala Lumpur's best dining experience, Tarbush Restaurant, actually had extremely humble beginnings. In 1998, a small sandwich bar in Ampang Point serving sharwarma and other small bites to the mall goers.

被评为吉隆坡最佳的餐厅之一,Tarbush餐厅的开始也是非常艰辛的。1998年,藏身在Ampang Point里一间小小的三文治吧台,而且只卖一些'沙威玛',即类似'Kebab'的食物,还有一些小吃。

The bubble-point method and tridiagonal matrix method are proposed as solution of MESH equations(Material equation, phase Equilibrium equation, Summation equation, Heat equation), through which equations could be solved quickly and steadily, and the composing mole fraction at the top of tower and Key composition profiles and temperature of every stage are given.

提出采用三对角矩阵法和泡点法(BP,Bubble Point)相结合作为模型求解的解决方案,可快速稳定地求解复杂的MESH方程组,并给出塔顶液相组分组成和各塔板的关键组分分布及温度分布。

On the secluded cove of Malohom Bay in Pulau Gaya (the biggest island in the Tunku Abdul Rahman Marina Park, off the coast of Kota Kinabalu). Access is by dedicated slow boats which operate from Jesselton Point (a newly re-branded Sabah Port Authority ferry terminal as we used to know) directly to the resort.

位于这隐僻的海湾上(哥打京那峇魯海岸,Tunku Abdul Rahman Marina Park最大的岛屿)。,拥有便利的渡般交通设施,这是由Jesselton Point经营的(一个新的标志性码头,过去我们所认识的),可直接到达我们度假村。

The pioneeripionng of the Vanishing point tool for a limited period of time to realize the amazing results.

开创性的Vanishing point工具可以在很短的时间内实现令人惊奇的效果。

You are welcome to use Power Point or other computer-based visual aids in your presentation.

你可以使用Power Point及其他电脑视觉辅助器材,帮助听众更了解你所谈的内容,让自己的论点更有力。

Partly from Old French point from Vulgar Latin *punctum from Latin p?

部分源自古法语 point 源自俗拉丁语*punctum 源自拉丁语 p?

第6/100页 首页 < ... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... > 尾页
Two Point Four
The Sharpest Point
Point The Finger
Point Of Know Return
The Point Of It All
Point Of Safe Return
Breaking Point
19 Turning Point
You Miss The Point Completely I Get The Point Exactly
From Point A To Point B

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
