英语人>网络例句>pistil 相关的网络例句

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与 pistil 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Corolla glabrescent to pubescent, lobes semiorbicular to oblong, narrowly lanceolate, elliptic-ovate, or broadly triangular; pistil 1.6-3.4 mm; leaf blade adaxially pubescent or villous, but only 1 type of hair; peduncle villous to pubescent, but only 1 t

花冠后脱落给短柔毛,裂片到长圆形,狭披针形,椭圆状卵形,或者宽三角形;雌蕊1.6-3.4毫米;叶片正面短柔毛或具长柔毛,但是只1 类毛;花序梗具长柔毛到短柔毛,但是只1 t 20

Petiole to 1(-2.5) cm; leaf blade adaxially densely sericeous and pubescent, abaxially pubescent, veins densely long villous; corolla white to greenish white; pistil pubescent to glabrescent

叶柄到1(-2.5)厘米;浓密的叶片正面密被绢毛和短柔毛,背面具短柔毛,脉长具长柔毛;花冠白色到带绿色白色;雌蕊短柔毛到后脱落 3 Tremacron mairei 东川短檐苣苔

Abortive pistil in staminate flowers minute.


The highest fruit set percentage was obtained when hand-pollination was done in one day (at the stage of half opened petals) before the anthers naturally dehisced. Hand-pollination could increase fruit set from 2 days to 4 hours (at the stage of tiny dehiscent petals to over half-opened petals) before the anthers naturally dehisced. The pistil compatibility was strong and fruit set percentage with hand-pollination was the highest one day before the anthers naturally dehisced (at the stage of half-opened petals).

从花药自然裂开前2 d到自然裂开前4 h(相当于花瓣呈微张开到超过半张开状态),雌蕊都具有容受性,这期间进行人工授粉能提高坐果率,但以花药自然裂开前l d(相当于花瓣呈半张开状态时),雌蕊容受性最强,人工授粉坐果率最高。

Oleracea is observed using aniline blue staining method to understand the interaction between pollen tube and pistil ready to be transformed.


With the aid of aniline blue staining, pollen tube growth in pistil tissue was observed in Arabidopsis thaliana, and the growth speed of pollen tubes in style and ovary were calculated, the results showed that the pollen tube grew faster as time goes on.


Style filiform; pistil head club-shaped, slightly thickened, apex 2-cleft.


Ovaries 2, distinct, usually dense pubescent on distal part; ovules numerous. Style long; pistil head club-shaped, apex 2-cleft.


Flowers tubular ,campanulate or almost spreading ,bisexual (stamens and pistil in one flower )or unisexual (female and male flowers on the same plant), up to 4cm across. Tepals 4-6, white, cream-yellow, red-purple,or violet-blue .

花朵呈管状,铃状,或者几乎平展,雌雄同体或雌雄异体,茎达4cm 。4-6个萼片,白色,奶黄色,紫红色或紫罗兰色。

Kashiba company's products and reasonable price, we supply fragrance bottles; perfume oil; incense crystal ball; bead-shaped incense crystal ball; porcelain flower fragrance bottles; pistil head; platinum catalytic core head; Whitening Mask; Beauty Essence; Rose Water ; lavender eye; shock fragrance machine; deodorant; pure plant essential oils; massage oil; composite oil; fragrant necklace; aromatic Charm; room fragrance products; emergency flood control sandbag; their feet detox machine; anion feet or energy meter; electrode plate; electrode ball; energy ball; feet or machine manufacturing and sales of other products, please consult.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
