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与 pinks 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Let your eyes drink in the light blues, gree , yellows and pinks.


This category encompassed most of the pinks, the fancy white and several yellow natural-color diamonds.


Let your eyes drink in the light blues, greens, yellows and pinks.


"Pinks and posies."


It will feature colors like hot pinks, blacks, and purples.


P26: Kitsch at its best: inspired by Meissen porcelain…all pinks, gold and rustles?

最好的艳丽设计:灵感源于一种原东德 Meissen 出产的瓷器…结合了所有粉色,金色和赤褐色英文单词拼写是否正确?

In many places the forest had been cut away,leaving open tracts where sweet mountain grass grew thick and strong and where there were aways masses of heather,harebells,and wild pinks.


Politics could have been the destructive element for Graham, since he started his rise in the age of Eisenhower and for a time was a fervent red hunter, an admirer of Senator Joe McCarthy and an overall basher of the left, as here in a radio broadcast of 1953:"While nobody likes a watchdog, and for that reason many investigation committees are unpopular, I thank God for men who, in the face of public denouncement and ridicule, go loyally on in their work of exposing the pinks, the lavenders and the reds who have sought refuge beneath the wings of the American eagle and from that vantage point try in every subtle, undercover way to bring comfort, aid and help to the greatest enemy we have ever known - communism."

自从Graham在艾森豪时代的崛起,而且一度是位狂热的激进主义者,他一直摆脱不出政治的纠缠,他崇拜参议员Joe McCarthy并且赞同对左派的痛击,就像他在1953年的广播节目中所说的:&当没有人喜欢看门狗的时候,许多检调单位将不受欢迎,我认为上帝对一个面对公众谴责与悉落的人来说,忠诚地出现在他们接触左派思想的工作上,同时对于在美国这头巨鹰的双翼下找寻庇护以及在微细处找寻有利位置的人而言,暗中替他们带来信心,以及帮助我们面对前所未有的敌人—共产主义。&

Cool colors are based on blues, greens, pinks, purples, blue-greens, magentas, and blue-reds.


His palette softened to mauves and pinks, but his brushwork was increasingly agitated, the dashes constructed into swirling, twisted shapes, often seen as symbolic of his mental state e.g.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
