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The Bookworm shop did a terrific business last year selling Berkshire-related books. Displaying 18 titles, they sold 2920 copies for $61000. Since we charge the shop no rent, it gives shareholders a 20% discount. This year I've asked The Bookworm to add Graham Allison's Nuclear Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe, a must-read for those concerned with the safety of our country. In addition, the shop will premiere Poor Charlie's Almanack, a book compiled by Peter Kaufman. Scholars have for too long debated whether Charlie is the reincarnation of Ben Franklin. This book should settle the question.

去年书虫书店在会场设摊贩售Berkshire相关书籍,全部十八种,总计卖出2920本,也因为摊位不收租金,所以股东买书都可以打八折,今年我特地要求书虫增加Graham Allison所著的核子恐怖主义-最终可避免的大灾难,这是所有关心国家安危必读的书籍,此外当天也会举行Peter Kaufman所著可怜查理的年鉴,一直以来许多学者都在争论查理是否为富兰克林再世,我想这本书或可解决大家的疑问。

However, some of the information is dated. While Slack's books are recommended reading, check on current cultivation tips as well. Peter D'Amato's "The Savage Garden" in mandatory reading.

而While Slack's books是一本值得推荐的书,确认过他的栽植方法还蛮不错的,Peter D'Amato's "The Savage Garden"是必须读的一本书。

"I am convinced that we will achieve more than 10 percent," BMW production boss Frank-Peter Arndt said in an interview to be published on Thursday.

宝马主管生产的负责人弗兰克·彼得·阿恩特(Frank-Peter Arndt)说:"我对今年产量增加10%以上很有信心。"

J.M. Barrie: It wasn't a lie, Peter. That was your mother's hope.


In 1907, a big garden festival was held in celebration of the 300th anniversary for the establishment of Mannheim in Germany. German Architects Peter Behrens and Max Laeuger designed the exhibited gardens for this festival. All these gardens together with those in Kuenstlerkolonie in Darmstadt from 1901 to 1908, designed by Austrian Architect Joseph Maria Olbrich, were referred as ArtNouveauGardens in many landscape history books.

一百年前的1907年,德国曼海姆市为庆祝建城300周年举办了大型的园艺展,德国建筑师 Peter Behrens 和 Max Laeuger 设计了其中的展览花园,这些花园与奥地利建筑师 Joseph Maria Olbrich 从1901到1908年之间在德国达姆斯塔特的"艺术家之村"设计的一系列的展览花园一起,成为后来许多园林史书籍都要涉及到的具有新艺术精神的花园。

Based on true events, and one of the inspirations behind Peter Benchley's "Jaws".

本片根据真实事件改编,灵感来自于Peter Benchley的"大白鲨"系列。

For the linear model with aggregated data, this paper proposed one kinds of the relative efficiency of Peter-Karsten estimator compare to the best linear unbiased estimator.


Some, such as bioethicist Peter Singer , argue that these results qualify them for the same rights as humans.

像是生物伦理学家 Peter Singer 指出其实他们应该有跟人一样的权利。

LAST year, when he was still the head of the independent Congressional Budget Office, Peter Orszag used to warn bleakly that the rising costs of health care would, if not subjected to radical reform, one day bankrupt the government.

早在去年Peter Orszag担任美国国会预算办公室主任时就提出警告,假如不进行彻底的改革不断攀升的医疗费用迟早有一天会让政府破产的。

Part of the crossover appeal is provided by all-star guests like Craig Chaquico, Chaquico, keyboardist Ozzie Ahlers, saxmen Gary Herbig and Boney James, and Peter White, whose acoustic guitar and accordion work on "Here Comes the Night" rivals his playing on his own albums.

为了吸引更多听众,此专辑也制作了一些由全明星阵容友情演奏的曲目,他们包括Craig Chaquico、键盘手Ozzie Ahlers、萨克风手Gary Herbig 和 Boney James,而其中Peter White的原声吉他暨手风琴作品"Here Comes the Night夜幕降临时"更可与他自己专辑中的演奏匹敌。

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Feed Me Jack Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Peter Sellers
Mi Peter Punk
My Friend Peter
Peter On The White Sea
Toxic (Peter Rauhofer Reconstruction Mix)
In Search Of Peter Pan
Peter Parker
Saint Peter's Gate
The Night I Saved Peter Ustinov

In her eyes, because that is the doorway toher heart * the place where love resides.


I will send some postcards to you.


Of aesthetics and the definiteness of its content and leads to its immaturity and decline .
