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peace and happiness相关的网络例句

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与 peace and happiness 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I want that the girl who own a beautiful woman takes her to the place that I said once I want a rightness of wingses and fly to see that scenery that sees from no one I hope world peace, no longer have the war and hungers If I am an all-powerful lord, I and would carry out the fine commitment of everybody whether that can bring real happiness for people or not Suddenly I heard the voice, beautiful dream son that a shell fall to the ground is waked up with a start The war, hunger still exists, I also still single one person walk wing in this so-called" the war district", that beauty however is an imagination to come out the gift of give the oneself.

我想拥有一个美女的女孩带她去我曾说过的地方我想要一对翅膀、飞去看那从没有人看过的风景我希望世界和平、不再有战争与饥饿啊如果我是万能之主、我会实现每个人美好的承诺那样是否能给人们带来真正的幸福突然我听到了一颗炮弹落地的声音、甜美的梦儿被惊醒了战争、饥饿仍然存在着、我也仍旧单身一人走在这所谓的\"战争地带 \"、那美丽的翅膀不过是想象出来送给自己的礼物。

Thirteen species of wild life enjoy state protection, including loris, the gibbons, the red-necked cranes, the brown-neck horn-bills, and the green peacocks, which to the Dai people are a symbol of peace, happiness and good fortune and whose graceful postures can put professional dancers to shame.


Thirteen species of wild life enjoy state protection, including loris, the gibbons, the red-necked cranes, the brown-neck horn-bills, and the GRE en peacocks, which to the Dai people are a symbol of peace, happiness and good fortune and whose graceful postures can put professional dancers to shame.

13种野生动物享有国家保护,包括loris ,长臂猿,红颈鹤,棕颈角的法案,绿孔雀,其中以傣族人民是和平的象征,幸福和好运与其优美的姿态,可以把专业舞者汗颜。

We always have two choices: we can try to find our happiness, peace, safety, security, lovability and worth through people, things, activities, and substances; or we can feel joyful, peaceful, safe, secure, lovable and worthy through connection with a spiritual Source of love and compassion - taking loving care of ourselves and loving others.


When we cut through the hype, the jargon and the self-help mumbo jumbo, we all have the same basic goals, desires and needs: joy, fulfilment, happiness, safety, peace, recognition, love, acceptance, respect, connection.


The purpose of palliative care is to improve dying patients' quality of life, alleviate their physical and psychological suffering, and make them spending their last days of life in peace, happiness, and painlessness.


The purpose of palliative care is improving dying patients' quality of life, alleviating their suffering in body and soul, and making them spending their last days of life in peace, happiness, and painlessness.


It studies the physiological and psychological traits of dying patients and the rule of death care practice to these patients. The purpose of palliative care is to improve dying patients' quality of life, alleviate their physical and psychological suffering, and make them spending their last days of life in peace, happiness, and painlessness.


All people that yearn for happy, peace, can expect to pass the greater progress of science and technology piously, greater progress of the society, will obtain greater body and mind to live with more happiness freely.


THAT it be recommended to the several States to appoint the First Thursday in May next to be a Day of Fasting, Humiliation, and Prayer to Almighty God, that he will be pleased to avert those impending Calamities which we have but too well deserved: That he will grant us his Grace to repent of our Sins, and amend our Lives according to his Holy Word: That he will continue that wonderful Protection which hath led us through the Paths of Danger and Distress: That he will be a Husband to the Widow, and a Father to the fatherless Children, who weep over the Barbarities of a Savage Enemy: That he will grant us Patience in Suffering, and Fortitude in Adversity: That he will inspire us with Humility, Moderation, and Gratitude in prosperous Circumstances: That he will give Wisdom to our Councils, Firmness to our Resolutions, and Victory to our Arms: That he will bless the Labours of the Husbandman, and pour forth Abundance, so that we may enjoy the Fruits of the Earth in due Season: That he will cause Union, Harmony, and mutual Confidence to prevail throughout these States: That he will bestow on our great Ally all those Blessings which may enable him to be gloriously instrumental in protecting the Rights of Mankind, and promoting the Happiness of his Subjects: That he will bountifully continue his paternal Care to the Commander in Chief, and the Officers and Soldiers of the United States: That he will grant the Blessings of Peace to all contending Nations, Freedom to those who are in Bondage, and Comfort to th e Afflicted: That he will diffuse Useful Knowledge, extend the Influence of True Religion, and give us that Peace of Mind which the World cannot give: That he will be o ur Shield in the Day of Battle, our Comforter in the Hour of Death, and our kind Pare nt and merciful Judge through Time and through Eternity.


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One Cup Of Happiness (And One Peace Of Mind)

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