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与 park 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Other efforts include the extension of the Red Line in South Quincy and Alewife, the relocation of the Orange Line in Boston's Southwest Corridor, and modernization of the Commuter Rail Network, the restructuring of the MBTA, the formulation of noise rules to halt the increase in aircraft noise at Logan Airport, the development of strategies to achieve high speed rail service between Boston and New York, and the planning for the redevelopment of the Park Square section of Boston through the location and construction of the State Transportation Building there.

其他还有在南Quincy和Alewife地区推进Red Line地铁工程,波士顿西南走廊Orange Line地铁的重新选址,Commuter铁路网的现代化,MBTA工程重建,波士顿机场降低噪音政策的制定,提高波士顿到纽约铁路运行速度的发展战略,以及通过在波士顿Park Square地区修建州交通大厦以振兴该地区的规划。

In Banksia Park International High School this international school we learned from China's special attention to their students in English, Mandarin, technology into the teaching of other subjects.

在Banksia Park International High School这一所国际学校我们了解到,对来自中国的学生他们特别重视将英语、华语、科技渗透到其它各科教学之中。

Software Description: About Inside the Park Baseball, This baseball role-playing game that lets you become a professional baseball player.

Inside the Park Baseball 这款棒球角色播放游戏让你能够成为一名专用的棒球运动员。

PARK PeopleTalk Bema: covers 250 square meters,3.5 meter high, classic elegancy.


As the current and voltage have the same basic frequency, the unit voltage Park vector and its conjugate are used to rotate the current Park vector. During the course of rotation, the fundamental positive sequence component in the current Park vector can be filtered out but the others remain.


What surprising me most is the Tao Dan Park in the city, hardly you can see the greeny park and take a deep yet fresh breath in the in city.

但最令我意外的就是城市里的公园 Tao Dan Park,原来闹市里还有一片充满新鲜氧气的绿肺。

Custer State Park is, as I stated yesterday, famous for its large number of bisons roaming in the park. Even the park sign shows nothing but a big bison.

如我昨天所述, Custer State Park是以大量北美野牛在公园内漫步闻名,甚至公园牌子也只有一只大野牛而已。

Jamess Park, was originally St. James's Palace Deer Park, the 17th century when Charles II re-employ the French landscape designer Landscaping, in the early 19th century British landscape architect Nash further , Has become the centre of London's most beautiful parks, public and tourists is the best rest for leisure, everywhere the sun, walk, picnic passengers.

Jamess Park),原本是圣詹姆斯宫的鹿园,17世纪时查理二世聘请法国景观设计师重新造景,19世纪初在英国著名建筑师纳许进一步美化之下,至今成为伦敦市中心最美丽的公园,是市民与游客最佳小憩休闲之地,处处可见晒太阳、散步、野餐客。

Spot Southern Right Whales in the Great Australian Bight Marine Park between May and October and sea-lions on the rocks at Point Labatt Conservation Park all year round.

五月到十月期间,在大澳大利亚海湾海洋公园(Great Australian Bight Marine Park)观看南露脊鲸,而在拉巴特角保护公园的岩石上,全年都能看到海狮。

Park rangers at Bernardo O'Higgins National Park said they found a 100-feet-deep crater in late May where the lake had been in March.

Bernardo O'Higgins国家公园的Park rangers说他们在5月份发现了一个100英尺深的大坑,这个大坑3分月的时候还是灌满了湖水。

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Glass In The Park
Macarthur Park
People's Park
Echo Park
People (From A Happening In Central Park)
Second Hand Rose (From A Happening In Central Park)
Palisades Park
Walk In The Park
Grammercy Park Hotel
Angle Park

I put some current in side the surface and use two planes to cut the surface, then made two Amperian loops, then do integral on Theta.


Toucans|for this musical revue in Brazil.

知道吗 我以前去找能唱歌的鸟|为巴西的音乐剧找巨嘴鸟

Description:描述: You're a treasure seeker in search of lost tombs and temples that you learned about from some old papyrus scrolls.
