英语人>网络例句>overture 相关的网络例句

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与 overture 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Why Goto.com is incognito for Overture.com, that incognito I had been seen, one of the boldest strategy.


But Inktomi and Overture languished ignominiously inside Yahoo!, which Mr Semel was simultaneously trying to turn into a new sort of media company.


Software Description: About Dynamic Bid Maximizer Overture, This is a pay-per-click optimization tool that helps you manage your keyword bids for all the Overture pay-per-click search engines.

Dynamic Bid Maximizer Overture 这是付款单击帮助你管理你的关键词的优化工具,为所有Overturn竞价排名搜索引擎。

In China, classical music is booming as mightily as the 1812 Overture.

在中国,西方古典音乐蓬勃发展的气势之恢宏,就如同《1812序曲》(1812 Overture)。

While there are no shortage of options, my own advice would be to start with Google and Overture.

虽然你不缺这样的选择,我个人的意见还是从 Google 和 Overture 开始。

A key element of Google's and Overture's initiatives is the training programs.


It can also improve your position on pay-per-click advertising services, such as Google AdWords and Overture.

该软件还可以通过诸如 Google AdWords 和 Overture 这样的点击付费广告服务改善你的状况。

The most typical have Overture and Baidu, also include the advertisement project Google Adwords of Google of course.

最典型的有Overture和百度,当然也包括Google的广告项目Google Adwords。

Now part of Yahoo!, Overture's business model is the underpinning of a multibillion-dollar online search market.

现在是雅虎, Overture的业务模式是有一个价值数十亿美元的在线搜索市场。

Although do the visitant that the advertisement bring on the Google may have no Overture of many, but the press of Google click to pay its expenses to correspond to also want a little bit low.


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Khaos Overture
Desire In Violent Overture
10538 Overture
10538 Overture
Eldorado Overture
Semi-Fraudulent / Direct-From-Hollywood Overture
Overture Piccante
Overture / The First Noel
Suite IV Electric Overture

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
