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与 oppose 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The other reasons to oppose the death penalty are largely a matter of individual conscience and belief.


Henry Wallace and Robert Taft oppose the Cold War, while Wayne Morse and Philip Berrigan oppose the slaughter in Vietnam, along with many other eloquent voices.


Namely: to emancipate our minds, seek truth from facts, opposed to following the beaten track and make progress; theory with practice, and opposed to copy, bookishness; insist on close ties with the masses, against the situation, and bureaucracy; adhere to the principle of democratic centralism and oppose arbitrary, weak and lax; adhere to the Party's discipline, oppose liberalism; insist on honest and clean, and oppose abuse of power; insist on hard work and opposing hedonism; uphold meritocracy and oppose unhealthy trends in the appointment.


Postmodernism shows the inclination of inaction in their viewpoints to theory, life and art :On theory, they oppose constructing theory system, oppose pursuing the deep essential, while advocate "cutting away the deep mode",to stay on the surface; On liff, they oppose controlling the object and advocate that the subject should surrender to the object world, discarding the plan and in ter tion to control the object, While should imitate and follow the object; On art, the postmodern writers no longer undertake the mission of transmitting the truth, no longer pretest alienation, but sink in the earthy joyousness, going to absurdity.


According to them, to oppose power, we must oppose foundation and legitimation of foundation to knowledge. This is delegitimation of knowledge.


Therefore, I oppose any emotional deprivation of the brain, leadership and power, even a happy mood, I also oppose, these feelings only with the brain to enjoy, rather than to the main way to treat this command from the brain.


I don't understand power, but I do understand those who oppose, comdemn and refect it. Especially those who oppose tyranny, she said.


One thing is sure, is that they do not support or even oppose the idea of substituting art, and associated with this is that they recognize the value or the value added of the fine arts. They are not esthetes, but firmly believe that art must have an aesthetic quality--in their eyes all the so-called ideas, even the most valuable concepts of art must be achieved through the aesthetic of the intermediary, even though they may oppose the concept of contemporary art's tendency to suppress the technology, but they do not flaunt technological supremacy. They acknowledge and accept the meaning of art, but they also convey the concept of artistic value in way they try to select a relatively moderate path, neutral, and not too left or right, but also East and West, ancient and modern, not avant-garde nor stale, either extremes must be avoided. And to be able to do this, we've reached the limits of a teacher's role, going beyond these expectations is not very realistic, as the less moderate we get, the further we are from a teacher's identity.


We oppose Tibetan and Taiwan independence and we also oppose the politicisation of the Olympic Games.


We oppose Tibetan and Taiwan independence and we also oppose the politicisation of the Olympic Games.


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We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
