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与 nominating 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Such configuration might include page size and orientation for a generated PDF document, or nominating which printing device to send print-based output to.


The last stage is reached when the Quaestiones from being periodical or occasional become permanent Benches or Chambers-when the judges, instead of being named in the particular law nominating the Commission, are directed to be chosen through all future time in a particular way and from a particular class and when certain acts are described in general language and declared to be crimes, to be visited, in the event of their perpetration, with specified penalties appropriated to each description.


Primaries and caucuses are part of the nominating process.


"So, for Mrs. Clinton, to get to the end of this nominating process if she is behind in elected delegates, overall delegates, popular votes cast nationwide and states, it is hard to imagine a Democratic Party that would nominate her under those circumstances because that would be a genuinely Pyrrhic victory," he explained.


Six more people got in the race, complete with nominating speeches, and a long roll-call vote.


The ancient Egyptians thought that sitting a dusty body in still water, as the Greek did, was a foul idea. Late 19th-century Americans were scandalised by the dirtiness of Europeans; the Nazis promoted the idea of Jewish uncleanliness. At least since the Middle Ages, European travelers have enjoyed nominating the continent's grubbiest country—the laurels usually went to France or Spain.


As early as 1563 Rubeo had granted leave to the Calced friar, Francisco Ruiz, to make foundations in Peru, Florida, and elsewhere, nominating him at the same time vicar-general.

早在1563 rubeo已批准向calced弗莱尔,弗朗西斯科鲁伊斯,使基金会在秘鲁,佛罗里达州和其他地方,对他的提名在同一时间内副主教干事。

Wilfrid J. Wilkinson, of the Rotary Club of Trenton, Ontario, Canada, is the selection of the Nominating Committee for President of Rotary International in 2007-08 that convened at RI World Headquarters on 5 December.

加拿大安大略湖特顿扶轮社的 Wilfrid J Wilkinson 於12月5日被国际扶轮总部开会之国际扶轮提名委员会推选为2007-08年度国际扶轮社长。

Artifactitious contents: Chinese chess, Seal sculpture,nominating on ring adornments, writing poem or words in solid adornments


I am also very happy to appoint Erick Suen as the Chair of the Nominating Committee 2006. Thank you very much Erick to accept this job.

并且, 我也荣幸邀请孙慈悌博士为提名委员会的主席,非常感谢孙副局长能接受这项任务

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
