英语人>网络例句>nod 相关的网络例句
与 nod 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Against Nod, it will boost your economy much earlier than Nod can, and combined with Tech Center/Chemical Plant harrassment, ought to prevent your opponent from using Seed Tiberium often.


In fact, someEnglish language reviewers have "given the nod to NOD", and one of thenicknames given to our Australian partner by the VXis "Noddy Roddy".

事实上,一些使用英语的评论家也已经认可了"NOD"这个叫法,甚至我们的一个澳大利亚合伙人被起了个绰号叫做"Noddy Roddy"。

These dendritic cells with a normal level of MHC II and CD86 surface marker and increased MLR stimulation adoptively transferred immune tolerogenic effects in NOD-SCID mice, which was associated with significant greater IL-10 production and CD4 CD25 T differentiation from splenocytes compared with NOD-SCID control recipients.

将此DC和糖尿病细胞过继转移至NOD-SCID免疫缺陷鼠,可增加CD4 CD25 T细胞分化,促进IL-10分泌,并降低NOD-SCID 鼠糖尿病发生率。

We examined the properties of DC associated with immune suppression in NOD mice by insulin injection subcutaneously and ability to suppress diabetes transfer by diabetogenic effect cells in secondary NOD severe combined immunodeficiency recipients.


At the end of the First Tiberian War, GDI High Command began a huge crackdown, persecuting all remaining Nod officers and officials to ensure the full elimination of the Brotherhood.


Recipients were ICR and DBA/2J mice without diabetic genetic predisposition and NOD mice not exhibiting oert diabetes during the experiment; offspring were designated as NOD/ICR, NOD/DBA, and NOD/NOD, respectiely; unmanipulated NOD offspring were also examined.

受鼠是没有糖尿病遗传倾向的ICR 和DBA/2J 鼠,以及在实验中没有表现显性糖尿病的NOD鼠。子鼠分别标记为 NOD/ICR, NOD/DBA,和 NOD/NOD。未处理的NOD鼠的子鼠也进入实验。

With the help of shiners rescued from Nod research and experimentation facilities near Hamborg, and detailed info they provided, GDI was able to shut down the Hamburg missile plant and delay Kane's plans.


Though this Nod splinter group had enough support among the Nod followers to become a new potential threat, GDI managed to keep their influence under control through infiltration, and under-the-table-deals with Hassan himself - cooperation in exchange for covert GDI support, which would help him to stay in power.


While GDI's attention was on Vega and his exploits in the western hemisphere, Nod forces, under the command of General Anton Slavik of the Black Hand of Nod, broke through GDI's European perimeters, capturing a large GDI base and research facility that held their newest weapon research, the Sonic Tank, at Hammerfest, Norway.


Nod was able to stop an inspection convoy Jake was leading into Hammerfest and seduce McNeil the younger to help them infiltrate the highly secured base, in exchange for promised power, lust, glory and even divination.


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Wynken, Blynken And Nod
Nod Your Head
The Land Of Nod
Nod Scene
Black Suits Comin' (Nod Ya Head)
Nod Ya Head (Remix)

We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
