英语人>网络例句>nil 相关的网络例句
与 nil 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was a game which they won be a scoreline of eight goals to nil.


Class 1: Hang gliders having a rigid primary structure with pilot weight-shift as the sole method of control, and which are able to demonstrate consistent ability to safely take-off and land in nil-wind conditions.

第1级:滑翔翼有硬翼的基础结构,利用飞行员重量的移动( weight-shift ),作为唯一的控制方法,且能够展现一致性的能力,安全的在无风的条件下起飞及降落。

Nothing more unpublished by the creator in creation, nil sub sole novum, says Solomon


The 1-4 defeat at Milan, who were bottom of the table at the time - Cagliari, still on nil points, unfortunately seem not to count, or rather to be down already - must have planted some seeds of doubt about Lazio's ability to stand up to the better sides, but while most observers noted that the Biancazzurri were perhaps too timid against Milan, when right-flank livewire Pasquale Foggia was only introduced in the second half, Rossi himself timidly pointed out his side were too adventurous, especially once the hosts had scored their second goal.

在米兰的那场1-4,让当时的副班长Cagliari的期望破灭了,当然,他们现在还是一分未得。这场失败多少产生了一些对于Lazio是否成为更有竞争力的球队的疑问。虽然大多数观察员认为蓝鹰对糜烂太过谨慎,尤其是右边锋Pasquale Foggia下半时才登场,Rossi自己却认为正是这步在主队进了第二个球后的冒险导致了最后的大比分失利。

The 1-4 defeat at Milan, who were bottom of the table at the time - Cagliari, still on nil points, unfortunately seem not to count, or rather to be down already - must have planted some seeds of doubt about Lazio's ability to stand up to the better sides, but while most observers noted that the Biancazzurri were perhaps too timid against Milan, when right-flank livewire Pasquale Foggia was only introduced in the second half, Rossi himself timidly pointed out his side were too adventurous, especially once the hosts had scored their second goal.

那么,这位反击高手配得上Sky Italy对全球直播的比赛吗?这个嘛,仁者见仁,智者见智。各个地方都会一些持有偏见的空谈家。(注:强调无法让所有人满意)我们所知道的真正的Zarate,有这么一个兄弟,他曾经在90年代早期效力于Ancona,而相对于他的球技来讲,他那张吉普赛人的脸更出名,当然现在他是Zarate同学的经济人了。Zarate对Lazio锋线的贡献是如此巨大,以致于人们现在已经不想念上个赛季的主力Tommaso Rochhi了,他很不幸地在代表意大利出赛奥运会时受伤。

About her bronze, over the bar where bald stood by sister gold, inexquisite contrast, contrast inexquisite nonexquisite, slow cool dim seagreen sliding depth of shadow, eau de Nil.


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Three Nil

With the development of highway construction, the speed of cars has been gradually increased.


So we basically had to develop a bond with the animal in terms of socializing with it.


"Comrade, I will be late for school. Please take me to my school, will you?"
