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moment of force相关的网络例句

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与 moment of force 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What is meant by the moment of force?


Calculation of the inertia force and inertia force moment on the drive ring plate and tumbler eccentric axis shows that the inertia force and inertia force moment of the reducer's driving mechanism are fully equilibrant.


We want to move up ticklish Stone, the facilities of the moment will be greater than the force of gravity produced by a rock moment, we all know that the moment arm of force multiplied by the force equal to the size of the arm of force as an arm of force in the greater 2 , Finger pressure, the more gravity than, stone ticklish ticklish point of this very long arm of force, so we used a very small force so that the stones will be able to move up.


The square of the moment of force of electric machinery and stator voltage becomes direct ratio.


In the design, first to designed the rolling mill the plan to carry on the choice and the narration, then has calculated when the rolling needed strength and moment of force, thus had determined the host electrical machinery capacity, and has carried on the examination to the electrical machinery.


In all probability, Lucifer will force this distributor to write, again and again, in the blazing heat of Hell's midsummer, his new title, Sins of Lola Montes, invented in a moment of mundane inspiration. That will not be all.

不管怎样,路西法肯定会勒令这个发行商,在地狱盛夏的灼人热浪中,一遍又一遍的,抄写他的新片名,Sins of Lola Montes,一个从平庸的灵感瞬间中冒出来的名字。

To observe and measure the distance and angulation of some muscles such as flexor carpi ulnaris,extensor carpi ulnaris , flexor carpi radialis,extensor carpi radialis longus,extensor carpi radialis brevis, brachioradialis,etc,we achieved the moment of force and loaded them in the model .


Use tall purity to not have seam violet copper pipe, shutter type sine is undee hydrophily aluminium comes loose character hot fim piece use 14mpa hydraulic go up the canal ensures copper pipe and aluminium piece close together union, coil passes thermal efficiency taller;2, use wind rotor of fire prevention ABS, activity has been balanced, the moment of force that start is small, pittsburgh type oversews, not air leak; 3, electric machinery uses oiliness sliding bearing, noise is less; 4, hy


M were applied to produce six kinds of pure moment of force and to create six kinds of movement of the lumbar spine in flexion, extension, left and right lateral bendings as well as left and right axial rotations.


Results show that in hover the fuselage normal force and pitching moment are relatively high due to the influence of rotor/wing downwash; and in low speed forward flight, the downwash have strong interaction on the normal force and pitching moment of fuselage due to the big dimension horizontal tail; the effects of downwash on the fuselage rolling and yawing moments are little and the influence on fuselage side force is considerable.


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I can't say anything hurtful about anyone.


She was a short fat woman , garbed in a very tight , very gaudy red dress .


Leaf blade orbicular or oblong to ovate-lanceolate, less than 3 × as long as wide, abaxially not pruinose.

叶片圆形或长圆形的到卵状披针形,少于3 *倍于宽,背面不具粉霜。