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moment of force相关的网络例句

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与 moment of force 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

METHODS: Threedimension finite element analysis method was used to calculate and analyze the stress and displacement in implantbone interface, and a torque force of 1.47 N, with the moment of couple of 5 mm, was applied on the abutment 7 mm distant from implant neck.

用三维有限元方法,在距种植体颈部7 mm的基台处,给其施加以1.47 N扭转力,力偶矩5 mm,计算和分析支抗种植体骨界面的应力和位移。

METHODS: Three dimension finite element analysis method was used to calculate and analyze the stress and displacement in implant bone interface, and a torque force of 1.47 N, with the moment of couple of 5 mm, was applied on the abutment 7 mm distant from implant neck.

用三维有限元方法,在距种植体颈部7 mm的基台处,给其施加以1.47 N扭转力,力偶矩5 mm,计算和分析支抗种植体骨界面的应力和位移。

Rotate according to the car the inertial moment of couple of quality is OK translate into is linear the principle of the force of translation quality, regard testing stand as the jumping-off place of the design with inertia imitate, those who put forward testing stand is basic arrange plan, elaborated function of apply the brake of car bridge assembly the main job principle of online testing stand, gave out the computational process of inertial flywheel.


Determined to change early as possible in the moment of entry into force of that action.


In the next chapter we shall explain another method of solving this problem, using the concept of the moment of a force.


A discussion has been made on the problems of balance for shocking force and moment of the commonly used crank slider mechanism in machinery.


The virtual prototype of system was set up by infliction of inspirit and restrict of force, moment and movement in ADAMS model and computation of influence between every part.


The huge burst of energy from the edge of the universe is estimated to be second only to the moment of creation in its explosive force, releasing more energy in two seconds than the sun will give out in it lifetime.


Disturbing force and moment of shipping produced by random wave are the steady stochastic process, it is a kind of colored noise, but traditional Kalman filter demands that disturb of system is the white noise.


By means of the equilibrium equation for the force and moment of the rope tractive parallel robot the method for judging whether a configuration was within the working space or not was obtained.


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The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
