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For example, it wasn't enough for ordained Southern Baptist minister Mike Huckabee to assert his fervent evangelicalism; he also felt a need to joke about Mitt Romney's Mormonism.

比方说,对于南部在职牧师长Mike Huckabee而言,宣扬他热烈的福音派主义是不够的,他感觉有必要对Mitt Romney的摩门教义进行一番嘲弄。

Oh, by the way, where did you get that loofah mitt?

loofah:丝瓜 mitt:手套对了,你的丝瓜沐浴手套是在哪儿买的?

McCain said "I'm appreciative every time I see Mitt on television on my behalf."


Despite low turnout , Mitt Romney says he's happy with his victory in the Iowa Straw Poll.

尽管参加的人数不多,Mitt Romney对在爱荷华州举行的公投中取得的胜利表示满意。

Having lengthily lionised "America's mayor", Rudy Giuliani, lookedlongingly at Reagan-lite Fred Thompson, flirted with millionaire Mitt Romney and sung along withpreacherman Mike Huckabee, the party's voters have sensibly plumped for John McCain, the only

在相当长时间内被奉为&美国市长&的Rudy Giuliani,看上去十分的渴望,他在Reagan-lite Fred Thompson,十分轻率的和百万富翁Mitt Romney呆在一起,并且与传教士Mike Huckabee一同在歌咏会上领唱。

Mr McCain fulminates pointlessly about oil speculators, and once dismissed a Republican rival, Mitt Romney, a successful businessman, by sneering:"I led…not for profit but for patriotism."

麦凯恩先生则不着边际地抨击着石油投机者,还一度批评其民主党的对手,颇有建树的商人 Mitt Romney ,他讥讽道:&我借钱。。。。。。是因为爱国主义而不是为了获利。&

Mr McCain fulminates pointlessly about oil speculators, and once dismissed a Republican rival, Mitt Romney, a successful businessman, by sneering:"I led…not for profit but for patriotism."

麦凯恩先生则不着边际地抨击着石油投机者,还一度批评其共和党初选的对手,颇有建树的商人Mitt Romney,讥讽他说:&我借钱。。。。。。是因为爱国主义而不是为了获利。&

Despite low turnout, Mitt Romney says he's happy with his victory in the Iowa Straw Poll.

Mitt Romney 表示,尽管投票率很低,但他仍为自己在艾奥瓦州的民意测验中的胜利感到高兴。

Despite low turnout, Mitt Romney says he's happy with his victory in the Iowa Straw Poll.

尽管参选人数很少,但是Mitt Romney对其在爱荷华州民意调查中的胜利表示高兴。

Despite low turnout, Mitt Romney says he's happy with his victory in the Iowa straw poll.

尽管只有少量的聚集人群,MITT ROMNEY 说他仍十分高兴在爱荷华州的民意测试中获胜。

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Viskar Ömt Mitt Namn

But in the course of internationalization, they meet with misunderstanding and puzzlement.


Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll beteamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animatorswhosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks.


They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee?

7:52 他们回答他说,难道你也是出于加利利么?