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与 metropolis 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By starting with the basic theory of metropolis ring spatial development and drawing the experience of domestic and foreign metropolis ring, the paper makes a discussion on efficiency of metropolis ring pattern, development phases and spatial structure. It points out the three main phases of metropolis ring development—rudiment, growth and autumn. From the spatial structure, the paper stresses that metropolis ring has the features of "ring and layer", the size of the "ring and layer" has the direct ratio with city size, convenient degree of external transportation and city radiant intensity. It owns the idea that adjustment and control of metropolis ring spatial development should reflect the following concepts, including globalization, regional integrated harmony, views of scientific development, harmonious society, consultative city planning, people-oriented principle, guided city planning and responded city planning.


According to the Metropolis criteria particles at a temperature T leveling the probability of e- E /, in which the E-T when the temperature within, E capacity for change, for the Boltzmann constant k.


Here's a list of Lex Luthor's known lairs straight from the Superman Encyclopedia: a complex of buildings held aloft by a giant dirigible high above the stratosphere, a glass-enclosed city of ancient, weird design, an abandoned factory, a gigantic man-made meteor floating in outer space, an abandoned barn, a secret underground lab, a giant spaceship, a secret mountaintop laboratory, an electronics firm, a hidden laboratory on the outskirts of Metropolis, a laboratory hideout that has been lined with lead to conceal it from Superman's X-ray vision, a massive fortress-like citadel on a lonely mountaintop north of Metropolis, a lonely farmhouse in the mountains north of Metropolis, a secret lead-lined subterranean hideout built into the side of a grassy hill, and the elaborately equipped Luthor's Lair, Luthor's Lair II, and Luthor's Lair No.


Their stupidity, their flakiness, their lack of values, their baggage, says Jack, Modelizers inhabit a sort of parallel universe, with its own planets(Nobu, Bowery Bar, Tabac, Flowers, Tunnel, Expo, Metropolis) and satellites(the various apartments, many near Union Square, the big modeling agencies rent for the models) and goddessesLinda, Naomi, Christy, Elle, Bridget.

Jack说。"模特狂"们生存在一个与我们的世界并行的宇宙里,拥有自己的行星(Nobu, Bowery Bar, Tabac, Flowers, Tunnel, Expo, Metropolis,自己的卫星(各式各样Union Square附近的,知名经纪人为模特们租下的公寓),以及自己的女神(Linda, Naomi, Christy, Elle, Bridget这些模特们

Since the model is a large scale and NP-hard combinational optimization problem in the real navigation environment, a hybrid simulated annealing algorithm is employed to search the suboptimal solution composed of a lockage timetable and a ship scheduling, The search starts by trimming the existing lockage timetable based on heuristic rules; the result is then used to compute the ship scheduling by the depth-first-search algorithm. The obtained solution is finally updated by the Metropolis rule.


In this implementation, the evolutionary algorithm is hybridized with the simulated annealing algorithm and the hill climbing heuristic. The main aspects are as follows. The Metropolis criterion of the simulated annealing algorithm is introduced to select the offspring in order to make the algorithm more effective to escape the local optimum. In terms of the hill climbing heuristic, the local normal perturbing mutation operator based probability selecting is developed to enhance the local searching of the algorithm.


Thus,in Italy in 1914,Antonio Sant'Elia envei-sioned a metropolis of fantastic industrial skyscrapers and multilevel circula-tion in LA Citta Nuova."I conclude in desfavor of preservation,reconstruction,reproduction of ancient monuments,"he declared.In France in 1918,Tony Garnier drew in great picturesque detail La Cite' Industrielle, a complete regional industrial village.In America in 1934,Frank Lloyd Wright constructed a vast miniature model of his imaginary modern town called Broadacre City.But it wasthe great Swiss-born Parisian architect Le Corbusier who,more than any of the other modern mastrs,devoted his energies to envisioing the conse-quences of modern architectural form upon the shape of the contemporary metropolis.His drawings were beautiful,adstract,and widely influential.

因此,在意大利,在1914年,安东尼奥sant'elia envei - sioned大都会离奇的工业摩天大楼和多层次的环流公告在La citta Nuova新&,我结束在desfavor的保存,重建,再现古代纪念碑&,他declared.in法国在1918年,托尼卡尼尔提请在风景如画的大香格里拉详细列举'工业,一个完整的区域产业village.in美国早在1934年,弗兰克劳埃德赖特修建了一个庞大的微型模型,其假想的现代城镇所谓广city.but它wasthe伟大瑞士生于巴黎建筑师柯布西耶的人,比其他任何一种现代mastrs奉献了精力envisioing该conse - quences现代建筑形式后,形成的当代metropolis.his图漂亮, adstract ,而且影响广泛。

In this DVD, Gil Rimmer simultaneously develops two characters, Francis and Paulo, who are classic pugilists in a fictional turn of the century metropolis. This first in a two DVD series focuses on creating the faces and heads of the two fighters, using dynamic silhouettes, rhythms, graphic design and composition principles.

在本DVD中GIL同时制作了两个卡通角色,它们是Francis and Paulo,两个century metropolis出品科幻小说的著名的拳击手,本DVD是一套2DVD中的第一张,着眼于创建两个角色的头部与面部,其中应用了动感轮廓,图形设计,合成原理等。

In each case, we perform the Metropolis–Hasting's algorithm see


The Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis told us [3][13] of a gang of armed shop breakers who continued their operations after one of their members had been sentenced to death for murder and reprieved, but broke up and disappeared when, on a later occasion, two others were convicted of another murder and hanged.

Metropolis 的警察委员告诉我们,有一个持械破坏商店的犯罪团伙,在他们中的一个成员因谋杀罪被判处死刑缓期执行后,继续实行犯罪。但是之后,当他们中其他两名成员因谋杀罪被绞死后,这个团体解体并消失了。

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Metropolis - Part I - "The Miracle And The Sleeper"
The Man Of Metropolis Steals Our Hearts

We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
