英语人>网络例句>men 相关的网络例句
与 men 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To date, germ-line genetic testing has become the basis for therapeutic decisions in MEN 2 affected patients and can facilitate the early presymptomatic detections of gene carriers.

所以,我们的分析结果显示,所有的MTC患者都应该接受RET原致癌基因的筛检,以便利用分子生物检验法来侦测潜在或de novo的MEN 2或家族性MTC。

G. Wells visioned in his "Men Like Gods," schools and teachers will no longer be necessary except to show us how to get in touch with the infinite knowledge our subconscious minds possess from infancy.

G。 Wells 在《 Men Like Gods 》一书中提到的:人们再也不用通过学校和教师们就能接触到那些从儿时就拥有的潜意识所带来的无穷的智慧了。

I must say I have seen he is the most charming of men.


Leading the way,"There Will Be Blood" and "No Country For Old Men", snaring the most nods.

奥斯卡提名作品&There Will Be Blood&和&No Country For Old Men&获得了最多的好评。

S. roseoflavus Men-myco-93-63 isolated from potato scab decline soil is an antagonistic strain.


Streptomyces roseoflavus Men-myco-93-63 isolated from potato scab decline soil is an antagonistic strain.


This past May, he dropped plans to direct a production of "Of Mice and Men," citing "unspecified health issues."

在去年的5月,依据&隐性的健康问题&,他计划推出一个&Of Mice and Men&的产品。

Boyz II Men teams up with superstars like Babyface, and Manhattan Transfer relies on Gene Puerling.

Boyz II Men既与Babyface这样的超级巨星合作,Manhattan Transfer的大红大紫也是依赖于Gene Puerling的帮助。

Act "As If" We Were Happy There are four stenographers in my office and each of us is assigned to take letters from several men.


Some of the anticipated blockbusters for this year are Star Trek (Playmates for figures and others), GI Joe, Transformers II, Terminator and X-Men/Wolverine.


第3/100页 首页 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
The Evil That Men Do
Real Men
Paper Made Men
What It Is About Men
Men In My Life
Crazy Men Ahead
My Lady Got Two Men
When Men Grow Old
I Feel Like Ten Men, Nine Dead And One Dying
16 Men Till There's No Men Left

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
