英语人>网络例句>men 相关的网络例句
与 men 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The battle once begun, its very various changes,--the resistance of Hougomont; the tenacity of La Haie-Sainte; the killing of Bauduin; the disabling of Foy; the unexpected wall against which Soye's brigade was shattered; Guilleminot's fatal heedlessness when he had neither petard nor powder sacks; the miring of the batteries; the fifteen unescorted pieces overwhelmed in a hollow way by Uxbridge; the small effect of the bombs falling in the English lines, and there embedding themselves in the rain-soaked soil, and only succeeding in producing volcanoes of mud, so that the canister was turned into a splash; the uselessness of Pire's demonstration on Braine-l'Alleud; all that cavalry, fifteen squadrons, almost exterminated; the right wing of the English badly alarmed, the left wing badly cut into; Ney's strange mistake in massing, instead of echelonning the four divisions of the first corps; men delivered over to grape-shot, arranged in ranks twenty-seven deep and with a frontage of two hundred; the frightful holes made in these masses by the cannon-balls; attacking columns disorganized; the side-battery suddenly unmasked on their flank; Bourgeois, Donzelot, and Durutte compromised; Quiot repulsed; Lieutenant Vieux, that Hercules graduated at the Polytechnic School, wounded at the moment when he was beating in with an axe the door of La Haie-Sainte under the downright fire of the English barricade which barred the angle of the road from Genappe to Brussels; Marcognet's division caught between the infantry and the cavalry, shot down at the very muzzle of the guns amid the grain by Best and Pack, put to the sword by Ponsonby; his battery of seven pieces spiked; the Prince of Saxe-Weimar holding and guarding, in spite of the Comte d'Erlon, both Frischemont and Smohain; the flag of the 105th taken, the flag of the 45th captured; that black Prussian hussar stopped by runners of the flying column of three hundred light cavalry on the scout between Wavre and Plancenoit; the alarming things that had been said by prisoners; Grouchy's delay; fifteen hundred men killed in the orchard of Hougomont in less than an hour; eighteen hundred men overthrown in a still shorter time about La Haie-Sainte,--all these stormy incidents passing like the clouds of battle before Napoleon, had hardly troubled his gaze and had not overshadowed that face of imperial certainty.


Be courteous to the wise and condescending to scholars; be considerate and kind to men of talent; go out of one's way to enlist the services of the talented and the learned; honour worthy men of letters; treat worthy men with courtesy


These contestants are not all kids.some of them are very experienced,some are high-ranking executives, some'sidentificationeven left mysterious……this kind of contestants who can be called men are not few .these men become younger by participating this boy's activity while the boys gradually turn into men by go through the mill.


Second, men can donate blood regularly Cancer Prevention British scientists study found that men can donate blood cancer, it is because contains a lot of iron in the blood, and the body of continuing high level of iron content will be promoting cancer, regular blood donors to be effective in lowering blood-content hemosiderosis, health men can donate blood regularly received from the cancer effects.


When there were 110 men for every 100 women, the women got really choosy. In that case only 24% of low-status men were married by 30 compared with 46% of high-status men.

当男女比率达到110:100时,女性会变得非常慎重,30岁结婚的低阶层男性只有 24%,而高阶层的男性为46%。

In that case only 24% of low-status men were married by 30 compared with 46% of high-status men. As the men went west, then, so did their marriage opportunities.


But the pravity of mankind being such that they had rather injuriously prey upon the fruits of other men's labours than take pains to provide for themselves, the necessity of preserving men in the possession of what honest industry has already acquired and also of preserving their liberty and strength, whereby they may acquire what they farther want, obliges men to enter into society with one another, that by mutual assistance and joint force they may secure unto each other their properties, in the things that contribute to the comfort and happiness of this life, leaving in the meanwhile to every man the care of his own eternal happiness, the attainment whereof can neither be facilitated by another man's industry, nor can the loss of it turn to another man's prejudice, nor the hope of it be forced from him by any external violence.


In general, most men will not have sex with men, so, how many men there are that many lecherous lustful woman ...


In Texas, two categories of men are exempt from peeping Tom charges: men over 50 and men with only one eye.


A woman can piggyback men, men; help But the men, to provoke must all this.


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The Evil That Men Do
Real Men
Paper Made Men
What It Is About Men
Men In My Life
Crazy Men Ahead
My Lady Got Two Men
When Men Grow Old
I Feel Like Ten Men, Nine Dead And One Dying
16 Men Till There's No Men Left

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
