英语人>网络例句>men 相关的网络例句
与 men 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The culture medium and cultural conditions of solid-state fermentation of Streptomyces Men- myco-93-63 were tested in this study.


Now it possesses brands: Aimer, LA CLOVER, Imi's, AIMER men.With professional production bases and subsidiary fabric factories in Beijing and Suzhou, the core brand Aimer creates beauty, conveys love and expresses their female charming with its original design which combines Oriental and Occidental cultures by advocating Elegant, fashionable, exquisite concept.

爱慕集团旗下拥有&爱慕&、&爱美丽&、& La Clover &、& AIMER men &4个品牌,其核心品牌的&爱慕&,15年来一直秉承&时尚·精致·高雅&的品牌定位,始终坚持为消费者创造美丽与时尚的设计理念,追求东方元素与国际流行的有机融合,树立具有中国风格的国际化的高端品牌形象,为女性创造美﹑传递爱,展现女性韵味。

SmartBlock is a mini game, designed by J2ME platform,can be playing on all consumer devices such as mobile telephones and PDAs,which supporting KJAVA,MIDP1.0,MIDP2.0.This game is suit for all peoples,especially to students,game fans,staffers and cool-men.Because it can bring you joyes anywhere and anywhen also expecting you to share this game to your friends.

smartblock是一个小游戏,所设计的J2ME平台,可以发挥对所有消费电子设备如移动电话和PDA ,支持kjava , midp1.0 , midp2.0.this游戏是适合於所有人民,特别是学生,游戏球迷,工作人员和冷静men.because它可以为你带来joyes任何地方和anywhen 6.3 -也期待您分享此游戏给您的朋友。

Sheriff Eder · Bell also on behalf of the film title in "Old Men", they originally maintains the social system peaceful lawman, now actually becomes is at a loss, has lost the function completely, at the same time astonishedly in society's change, the human nature and concept of law's decline, sighed at the same time the world has surpassed beside their control, fondly remembered that once some fair and the human nature warmth.

警长埃德·贝尔也代表片名中的&Old Men&,他们本来是维护社会制安的执法者,现在却变得束手无策,完全失去了作用,一面惊异于社会的变化、人性和法制观念的没落,一面感叹世界已超出他们的控制之外,怀念那曾有的公正和人性的温暖。

With so lot men communicating in English eextremeccly day,it be to bego lot or lot importance to get a bad understandledge of English.


When I was younger, I scented myself with Brut for Men de Fabergé.

年轻的时候,我洒Brut for Men de Fabergé的香水。

Application of pancreaticoduodenectomy for potentially malignant endocrinal tumor in pancreatic head, the value of surgical procedure in patient asymptomatic primary hyperparathyroidism or in patient with gastrinoma with MEN-1 , etc.


The Japanese word mumonkan is the Sino-Japanese reading for the Chinese word wu-men-kuan 'the gateless gate.' It is a historical record of koan used in zazen within the Rinzai Zen tradition.


METHODS:(1)The bile-pancreatic ducts of rats were ligated,the catheters were inserted into right jugular vein and jejunum and the acute pancreatitis model was established.Forty pancreatitic rats were divided into four groups and were given simple parenteral nutrition(PN,n=10),early enteral nutrition(EEN,n=10), median enteral nutrition(MEN,n=10),and late enteral nutrition(LEN,n=10) respectively.


Do you will buy Men's Pocky for you boyfriend or bother?

你会买Men's Pocky给你的男朋友或者哥哥弟弟吗?

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The Evil That Men Do
Real Men
Paper Made Men
What It Is About Men
Men In My Life
Crazy Men Ahead
My Lady Got Two Men
When Men Grow Old
I Feel Like Ten Men, Nine Dead And One Dying
16 Men Till There's No Men Left

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
