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July 9, 2003 Antimyelin antibodies may be useful as a predictor of clinical multiple sclerosis after a first demyelinating event, according to the results of a study published in the July 10 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine . The editorialist agrees that once these results are confirmed, this test may be important for counseling and management of these patients.

2003年7月9日--根据一项发表于7月10日New England Journal of Medicine中的研究结果指出,抗髓磷脂抗体可能有助于在第一次髓鞘脱失时预测临床上的MS,期刊的主笔也认为,一旦这些研究结果被确认,这项试验对于这些患者的治疗和管理将是相当重要的。

March 26, 2003 The mu agonist levorphanol is effective for neuropathic pain, according to the results of a randomized, double-blind study published in the March 27 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine . Higher doses reduced pain more than lower doses but had greater adverse effects limiting the additional benefit. An editorialist puts this into perspective, suggesting that this adds to the evidence countering the opinion that neuropathic pain is opioid-resistant.

March 26, 2003 -根据一项发表於3月27日「新英格兰医学期刊(New England Journal of Medicine)」的随机、双盲试验结果显示,mu作用剂levorphanol可有效治疗神经性病变的疼痛,而且高剂量的疼痛缓解作用比低剂量好,但相对地,副作用也较大;随后的评论则表示这个研究结果与过去所认为神经病变所引起的疼痛对鸦片类药物具有抗性的说法相反。

Glen Gabbard, director of the psychiatric clinic at Baylor College of Medicine in Texas, studied hundreds of fictional film psychiatrists to co-write the book "Psychiatry and the Cinema".

Baylor College of Medicine in Texas)精神病临床主任葛琳·嘉宝研究了数百名虚构影片精神病医师,并合著了《精神病学与电影》一书。

It includes radiological imaging physics, radiation oncology physics, nuclear medicine physics, the use of non-ionizing techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance, ultra-sound, microwaves, radio frequency waves, and lasers, as well as health physics.

医学物理包括放射肿瘤物理(radiation oncology physics, ROP)、医学影像物理(medical imaging physics, MIP)、核医学物理(nuclear medicine physics, NMP),其他非电离辐射如核磁、超声、微波、射频、激光等物理因子在医学中的应用,和保健物理(health physics, HP)等分支内容。

Those words were part of the Medicine Lodge Peace Treaty of 1867. That treaty was drawn between the U.S.

这是1867年梅迪辛洛其和平条款内的部分文字( the Medicine Lodge Peace Treaty of 1867)。

March 20, 2003 Chest x-rays can be read by pediatric critical care physicians as reliably on bedside personal computers as on radiology work stations except in the presence of diffuse disease, according to the results of a paired comparison study published in the March issue of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine .

March 20, 2003 -根据一篇发表於3月份「小儿重症加护医学(Pediatric Critical Care Medicine)」期刊的研究结果显示,除了弥漫性肺疾之外,小儿重症加护医师也可以利用放射线工作站来读取患者的胸部X光摄影,就像床边个人电脑一样可靠。

Wang plans to star in 2005 amounted to 1,000 stores, focus on large and medium-sized cities throughout the country, forming an important market for products Haiwang resources. January 1996, Wang and stars to join the U.S. chain drugstore Association, became the first Chinese Association members; June 2000, and Beijing Tongrentang Group, combining the strengths and opened its first shop in Shenzhen Beijing Tongrentang and stars; 2002 6 , And the world's first franchise chain Medicine Shoppe pharmaceutical companies and the United States Investment Group signing, has made the Chinese Medicine Shoppe franchise, marks the first international brands to enter the Chinese pharmaceutical chain.

海王星辰计划到2005年门店数达1000家,遍布全国重点大中城市,形成海王产品的重要市场资源。1996年1月,海王星辰加入美国连锁药店协会,成为该协会第一个中国会员;2000年6月,与北京同仁堂集团强强联手,开设了第一家深圳北京同仁堂星辰药店;2002年6月,与全球排名第一的特许经营医药连锁Medicine Shoppe公司和美国投资集团签约,取得了Medicine Shoppe中国特许经营权,标志着第一个国际医药连锁品牌进入中国。

Medicine Woman IV focuses on the ultimate Mayan mystery; the MAYAN CALANDER which stops on the 21st December 2012 with the prophecy that humanity will cross the threshold into a new era and will make some kind of very profound change after years of turmoil.

2009年推出的《Medicine Woman IV》(女巫医4:2012年预言)着重于玛雅之谜——玛雅日历上记载的预言说,2012年12月21日将是玛雅人所预言的&世界末日&。当玛雅第五太阳纪结束时,必定会发生太阳消失,地球开始摇晃的大巨变。

Fleeceflower is second only to ginseng in traditional Chinese medicine.Fleeceflower, according to Chinese legend, was used by a 58 year old man who ate it and then fathered many children.


Evidence-based medicine marks the transformation from traditional empirical medicine to the new form of modern clinical medical practice and clinical basic research,EBM,with the basis of large-scale clinical trial proof.

本研究也指出,循证医学(evidence-based medicine,EBM的问世标志着以经验和推论为基础的、传统的经验医学,已开始转变为主要以大型临床试验提供的证据为基础的循证医学,是现代临床医学实践和临床基础研究的新模式。

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Medicine Bag
Voodoo Medicine Man
Food, Clothes, Medicine
Medicine Wheel
The W. S. Walcott Medicine Show
Usher Intro / Bed Medicine
Bed Medicine
Medicine Man
Medicine Song (Apache Medicine Song)

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
