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与 maples 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All seeds were collected from maples in my backyard in late October and early November. Since not all maples grow seeds and not all of the seed growers produce abundant number of seeds, we could only come up with the identified quantity.


Researcher, Maples Adolescent Treatment Center, Burnaby, BC While collecting my dissertation data at the Maples Adolescent Treatment Center, I have been a member of a multidisciplinary research team.


I am still waiting for a new owner to move in so that more maples can be planted. Let's make a deal, if you or your friend moves in, I am willing to personally plant maples at each of the elevated sprinkler head locations. How is that as an offer?


Virginia Shenandoah Valley is ablaze with fall colors—the yellow and orange of poplars, birches, striped maples, and hickories, punctuated with the red of sugar and red maples.


Virginia Shenandoah Valley is ablaze with fall colors—the yellow and orange of poplars, birches, striped maples, and hickories, punctuated with the red of sugar and red maples.


Virginia Shenandoah Valley is ablaze with fall colors—the yellow and orange of poplars, birches, striped maples, and hickories, punctuated with the red of sugar and red maples.


Anthony Travers, a former managing partner of Maples and Calder who chairs the Cayman Islands Financial Services Association, argues that this bill would damage the American economy, by tempting hedge funds to move their managers from Connecticut to the Caymans, for example.

Maples and Calder律师事务所的前任合伙人、开曼群岛金融服务监管局现任主席安东尼·特拉维斯表示,这项议案将导致对冲基金将其经理自康涅狄格州转移至开曼群岛等后果,从而使美国经济毁于一旦。

Lastly, give me sometimes to COUNT once I get home since it takes TIME to go over Maples.


In China, bamboo symbolizes luck and fortune. But in the US, maples, Japanese maples to be exact, is what people go after for landscape. In fact, when people hear bamboo, most of the time they would have frowning face for the bamboo's invading root syste.


I have been grafting maples for years but rarely see professional propagators graft maples at such a low level, so close to the root system.


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